Wonder Woman and Atomic Blonde have proven that women can have strong leading roles; here are more that show our favorite cinema heroines.
We’re addressing what other people are saying about Okja – in particular, its most common criticisms, and why they’re wrong.
Basically, Despicable Me 3 is a lackluster reworking of what worked in the previous films, with more jokes and less heart.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a refreshingly comedic and lighthearted superhero film, but it doesn’t quite work as part of a larger universe.
In the second of a series for 2017, we take a run-down through the box office potential of several high-profile summer movies.
Baby Driver is a joyous summer film, an indelible sugar rush that is further proof that Edgar Wright is the true saviour of popcorn cinema.
The Mummy, while primed to be an intelligent blockbuster, lacks a cohesive storyline, solid characters and originality.
Though with a fine, understated performance by Marilyn Manson, Let Me Make You a Martyr is too unrelentingly dark and dull to recommend.
With fine performances and biting humor, Catfight is an interesting satire, delving into power struggles and the human condition.
Call of Heroes is the latest from Benny Chan, and manages to both modernize and feel old-fashioned when compared to the martial arts genre.
Jenkins, Gadot and company all worked admirably to bring the first Wonder Woman film out in a grand, exciting way, and that work has not gone to waste.
Though blessed with a talented cast, Baywatch is overall a shipwreck, due to its rudimentary, unfocused script and few laughs overall.
Overloaded with action and lacking in strong character moments, Dead Men Tell No Tales is an unworthy addition to the Pirates franchise.
The Wall has a kick-ass ending worth shouting about- it’s just a shame the journey there is significantly less interesting.
Despite some well-directed action sequences, Unlocked is mostly fleeting entertainment, inserting nothing new into a tired-out spy genre.