
Venom: To The Garbage, With Love
VENOM: To The Garbage, With Love

Venom is a film with a myriad of problems, but they’re forgiven because of its affable undercutting of what you expect from superhero films.

THE PREDATOR: 80’s Action Schlock Gone Horribly Wrong
THE PREDATOR: 80’s Action Schlock Gone Horribly Wrong

The Predator is a brainless, tone deaf picture, that is quite easily the worst thing writer/director Shane Black has ever laid his hands on.


A hard pill to swallow, Assassination Nation is a blunt, antagonistic, but masterful film, guided by a director who can so easily weave in between political horror, social injustice, dark comedy, and teen comedy.

SIDEKICKS: Chuck Norris’ Exercise In Vanity

Unfortunately, 1992’s Sidekicks, which is a vehicle to show Chuck Norris as the greatest action star, is a sloppy project for his talents.

PATIENT ZERO: Doesn't Have Charm Or A Point
PATIENT ZERO: Doesn’t Have Charm Or A Point

Patient Zero has many of the elements of a good movie, just put together in a janky and unfortunate manner.

PEPPERMINT: A Failed Vigilante in Feminity
PEPPERMINT: A Failed Vigilante In Feminity

Disappointingly, Peppermint is a film that feels thrown together, poorly edited and overly clichéd, with a failed take on the female vigilante.

LET THE CORPSES TAN – A Vibrant, Visceral, and Stylish Pistol Opera
LET THE CORPSES TAN: A Vibrant, Visceral & Stylish Pistol Opera

Let the Corpses Tan is an exhilarating and original work of wild genius that we’ve come to expect from directors Hélène Cattet and Bruno Forzani.

MANDY: Hallucinatory Nightmare Is The Year's Wildest Trip
MANDY: Hallucinatory Nightmare Is The Year’s Wildest Trip

Mandy continues to establish Cosmatos’ many predilections as a visual stylist and storyteller, albeit in a significantly more successful package.

FINAL SCORE: Die Hard In A Soccer Stadium… And It’s So Much Fun

If you need to take a break from reading about all of the acclaimed films you’re missing out on seeing at all of fall’s prestigious film festivals, go ahead and watch Final Score.

KIN: Promising Sci-Fi Thriller Self-Destructs
KIN: Promising Sci-Fi Thriller Self-Destructs

Kin is a meandering road saga, filled with detours and dull patches and an ending that is both truly bizarre and unintentionally funny.

MILE 22: An Abysmal, Cacophonous, Incoherent Ride

Team WahlBerg’s latest effort Mile 22 is abysmal, wasting the talents of all parties involved for a schlocky, aggressive shoot ‘em up picture.

BLEEDING STEEL: Has Jackie Chan Met His Match, a Bad Script?
BLEEDING STEEL: Has Jackie Chan Met His Match, A Bad Script?

Bleeding Steel is a chaotic and extravagant attempt to imitate the futuristic settings of other box office fare of its time, which only highlighted the throwback quality of the central character.

THE MEG: A Hefty Splash Of Summer Fun With Jason Statham

The Meg is not a masterpiece, but it is a perfect Jason Statham vehicle: packed with action and still a ton of fun.

HOW IT ENDS: Repetitive Disaster Story Runs Out Of Gas
HOW IT ENDS: Repetitive Disaster Story Runs Out Of Gas

Even with a good hook, How It Ends suffers from lack of vision becoming just a series of scenes that rarely congeals into anything substantial.

THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME: Mila Kunis & Kate McKinnon Save The World
THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME: Mila Kunis & Kate McKinnon Save The World

There’s certainly fun to be had with this deeply silly slice of R-rated raunchiness, yet The Spy Who Dumped Me struggles to balance its crass brand of humor with shocking bursts of carnage.