
SPY INTERVENTION: Doesn't Universally Export Enough Laughs
SPY INTERVENTION: Doesn’t Universally Export Enough Laughs

Spy Intervention doesn’t give much in terms of laughs, but a few moments, give life to an otherwise dull film.

GREYHOUND: No Wind In Its Sails
GREYHOUND: No Wind In Its Sails

Greyhound passes by as a monotonous series of skirmishes that never feel that threatening, even when boats are exploding around them.

Far East Film Festival 2020: THE WHITE STORM 2: DRUG LORDS
Far East Film Festival 2020: THE WHITE STORM 2: DRUG LORDS

While The White Storm 2: Drug Lords is an entertaining piece of filmmaking, it just fails to engage in a way that its premise would have suggested.

THE OLD GUARD: A High-Octane Yet Overlong Pulpy Action
THE OLD GUARD: A High-Octane Yet Overlong Pulpy Action

The Old Guard delivera propulsive sets of action, plenty of over-the-top violence, and breathtaking vigorous energy from Charlize Theron.

LOST BULLET: Too Relentless to Feel Humdrum
LOST BULLET: Too Relentless to Feel Humdrum

Guillaume Pierret’s Lost Bullet is a wannabe Mad Max that takes in pride in flaunting its no-nonsense action movie tag.

The Beginner's Guide: John Singleton
The Beginner’s Guide: John Singleton

The films of John Singleton have provided thought-provoking stories, honest characters, and imagery that lingers well past each viewing.

Beginner's Guide: George Miller, Writer & Director
Beginner’s Guide: George Miller, Writer & Director

Few directors have a filmography as unique as George Miller, who has the power to create moments that’ll be ingrained in your mind forever.

KILLING EVE (S3E8) "Are You Leading Or Am I?": Dancing To The Same Old Tune
KILLING EVE (S3E8) “Are You Leading Or Am I?”: Dancing To The Same Old Tune

While there are some joys to be found throughout the season finale, every answer to the season’s overarching narrative doesn’t feel satisfying.


Boris And The Bomb not only tries to be bigger than the sum of its parts but also seems to have a lot of heart put into it, yet it never reaches the heights envisioned by its creators.

KILLING EVE (S3E7) "Beautiful Monster"
KILLING EVE (S3E7) “Beautiful Monster”: Cheating Death

“Beautiful Monster” fails to carry the momentum that the last few episodes have established.

THE LOVEBIRDS: I Think We Should See Other People
THE LOVEBIRDS: I Think We Should See Other People

At the end of the day, The Lovebirds feels like a bad first date. You go in full of hope and a mind for flirting and fun and leave without a meaningful connection.

KILLING EVE (S3E6) "End Of Game": Everyone Is Off Their Games
KILLING EVE (S3E6) “End Of Game”: Everyone Is Off Their Games

With only two episodes left, and with everyone off their games, everything could turn into fireworks by the end of this season of Killing Eve.

KILLING EVE (S3E5) “Are You From Pinner?”: Not Your Typical Mother’s Day

We review episode 5 of the third season of Killing Eve.

KILLING EVE (S3E4) "Still Got It": The Worst Birthday Ever
KILLING EVE (S3E4) “Still Got It”: The Worst Birthday Ever

When compared to the previous three episodes, ‘Still Got It’ is by far the strongest installment of season three of Killing Eve.

The Clone Wars (S7E12): The End
The Clone Wars (S7E12): The End

The Clone Wars starts off in the light and ends in the dark. The show ends in an exhale, without a post-credits inhale to give us hope.