LOOK BOTH WAYS: A Pleasant Surprise
LOOK BOTH WAYS: A Pleasant Surprise

Look Both Ways was a pleasant surprise. And while its final messaging is predictable, it does not miss on its delivery.

THIRTEEN LIVES: A Solid Adaptation of a Rescue that Captured Hearts
THIRTEEN LIVES: A Solid Adaptation of a Rescue that Captured Hearts

Mukdeeprom and Howard make Thirteen Lives an entertaining and emotional translation of a major news event that captured the world.

CONSCIENTIOUS PROTECTORS: Trying To Save Us From Ourselves
CONSCIENTIOUS PROTECTORS: Trying To Save Us From Ourselves

Leigh Bloomfield’s 2022 Extinction Rebellion documentary, Conscientious Protectors, isn’t as radical as its subject matter.

ALIENOID: Bless This Mess
ALIENOID: Bless This Mess

One can applaud the ambition and imagination in creating such a unique, complex fantasy world while also wishing it was just a little bit less packed.

MOVERS ULTIMATE: A Nostalgic Schlep
MOVERS ULTIMATE: A Nostalgic Schlep

If you’re a fan of raunchy comedies, many of which have been cited as an inspiration for this one, book a date with Movers Ultimate today.

GLORIOUS: A Funny Horror Movie that Lets the Jokes Lead the Way
GLORIOUS: A Funny Horror Movie that Lets the Jokes Lead the Way

The comedy and performances are really what set Glorious up to maintain its rather flimsy horror premise.

WHEN I CONSUME YOU: A Respectable but Ultimately Uneffecting Effort
WHEN I CONSUME YOU: A Respectable but Ultimately Uneffecting Effort

The strength lies in the movie’s ability to make the most with a small budget, but it cannot mask the shortcomings of an uncompelling story.

ROGUE AGENT: When Cat Becomes Mouse
ROGUE AGENT: When Cat Becomes Mouse

Rogue Agent isn’t your average spy movie⁠—mostly because the central character is not your average spy.

FALL: Finds Its Fight
FALL: Finds Its Fight

Fall also builds on its characters, taking the idea of trust, love, redemption, and the will to survive to new heights.

DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: A Mild-Mannered Superhero Comedy
DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETS: A Mild-Mannered Superhero Comedy

Super-Pets flies high for an animated film aimed at the smaller crowd, making a strong superhero picture for the whole family.

LUX ÆTERNA & VORTEX: The Split Screen Theatrics Of A God
LUX ÆTERNA & VORTEX: The Split Screen Theatrics Of A God

Noé’s split-screen theatrics allows for double the amount of decision-making, double the choreography, and the narrative trickery in Lux Æterna & Vortex.

RESURRECTION: Out of the Past
RESURRECTION: Out of the Past

A performance-driven movie packed with quietly devastating moments, Resurrection should not be overlooked among the great horror films of this year.

NOT OKAY: None of this is Ok
NOT OKAY: None of this is Ok

Like in social media, everything in Not Okay is a hollow passing glance as the movie keeps scrolling and clicking along.

New York Asian Film Festival 2022 Part Two: SHIN ULTRAMAN, THE SALES GIRL, BIG NIGHT!, THE THIEVES
New York Asian Film Festival 2022 Part Two: SHIN ULTRAMAN, THE SALES GIRL, BIG NIGHT!, THE THIEVES

Lee Jutton is back with her last report from this year’s New York Asian Film Festival!

FLUX GOURMET: Performance Fart
FLUX GOURMET: Performance Fart

Flux Gourmet is a movie wholly dependent on making sound editing and cinematography do all the work and they can’t quite get there.