Look Both Ways was a pleasant surprise. And while its final messaging is predictable, it does not miss on its delivery.
Mukdeeprom and Howard make Thirteen Lives an entertaining and emotional translation of a major news event that captured the world.
Leigh Bloomfield’s 2022 Extinction Rebellion documentary, Conscientious Protectors, isn’t as radical as its subject matter.
One can applaud the ambition and imagination in creating such a unique, complex fantasy world while also wishing it was just a little bit less packed.
If you’re a fan of raunchy comedies, many of which have been cited as an inspiration for this one, book a date with Movers Ultimate today.
The comedy and performances are really what set Glorious up to maintain its rather flimsy horror premise.
The strength lies in the movie’s ability to make the most with a small budget, but it cannot mask the shortcomings of an uncompelling story.
Rogue Agent isn’t your average spy movie—mostly because the central character is not your average spy.
Fall also builds on its characters, taking the idea of trust, love, redemption, and the will to survive to new heights.
Super-Pets flies high for an animated film aimed at the smaller crowd, making a strong superhero picture for the whole family.
Noé’s split-screen theatrics allows for double the amount of decision-making, double the choreography, and the narrative trickery in Lux Æterna & Vortex.
A performance-driven movie packed with quietly devastating moments, Resurrection should not be overlooked among the great horror films of this year.
Like in social media, everything in Not Okay is a hollow passing glance as the movie keeps scrolling and clicking along.
Lee Jutton is back with her last report from this year’s New York Asian Film Festival!
Flux Gourmet is a movie wholly dependent on making sound editing and cinematography do all the work and they can’t quite get there.