Bull is a masterfully told modern Western, telling the story of two distinctive individuals amongst the backdrop of bull-riding in the American South.
Episode six of Devs seems to be setting up the potentially earth-shattering events that are to come in the next two episodes.
There are a number of great movies focusing on mental illness and how we should treat it, but unfortunately Lost Transmissions isn’t one of them.
In a time of so much uncertainty, a movie like Big Time Adolescence is the very definition of a “comfort watch.” And we could all use that right now.
I Still Believe’s Melissa is the manic Christian dream girl who tempts lovestruck men toward salvation.
There’s a reason The Tiger King has been one of the most streamed content on the service recently: you’ve got to see it to believe it, and…maybe not even then.
In the third episode of Cosmos: Possible Worlds, we explore the Lost City of Life that covered our planet billions of years ago.
Episode 5 of Devs is a glimpse through time for our characters, utilizing impressive visual effects in the process.
Lost Girls is a grim picture that delivers a story that should be known, and for the performances alone, there is reason to check it out.
Nina Wu tells a gripping tale, aided by a skillful filmmaker and an incredible performance. Its methods are surreal and dreamlike, but its final destination is painfully real.
Whatever cracks and uneven corners exist in Disappearance at Clifton Hill are easily glazed by a story that is good enough.
Cosmos: Possible Worlds continues to present science exactly as it should be presented: as a critically important, yet fascinating journey of discovery and enlightenment, a candle in the darkness of our relatively short journey as a species.
For all of its faults, 10 Things We Should Do Before We Break Up will woo you into enduring this snapshot of a relationship set to fail.
With its deeply rich messaging and intense showcase of tension, The Toll is definitely a film to add to your must-see list.