In Shawn Cauthen’s Netflix vs. the World, we witness the rise of Netflix from a fledgling startup to a producer of original content that wins Academy Awards.
Boris And The Bomb not only tries to be bigger than the sum of its parts but also seems to have a lot of heart put into it, yet it never reaches the heights envisioned by its creators.
While a narrative focusing on young women exploring their sexuality without judgment would usually be greeted with enthusiasm, CRSHD treads well-worn stereotypes.
Despite Martin Eden being only two hours, it is so densely packed with a cosmos’s volume of emotion and life, that it is as epic as any Sergio Leone or David Lean film.
Knowing the legacy of the state Oklahoma, To The Stars turns what could have been a fairly run-of-the-mill coming of age story into a broader indictment of a state’s transcendent violence.
Carried by Idir Ben Addi’s brilliant performance, Young Ahmed is an intriguing character study of one young man’s fanaticism, though one is still left wanting something more.