BE NATURAL: THE UNTOLD STORY OF ALICE GUY-BLACHE: Paying Homage To One Of Early Cinema’s Unsung Heroes

Be Natural: The Untold Story of Alice Guy-Blaché does a great service in making sure that we never again forget about Guy-Blaché’s contributions to film history.

NON-FICTION: Assayas’ Delightful Palate Cleanser
NON-FICTION: Assayas’ Delightful Palate Cleanser

Even if Non-Fiction doesn’t end up being a revelatory film in Assayas’ catalogue, it’s never uncompelling.

AVENGERS: ENDGAME: A Proper Farewell

Avengers: Endgame was three hours of time-altering fights, blood, promises made, promises kept, and death – all culminating in a spectacular end to a decade’s worth of beloved movies.

IN A NEW YORK MINUTE: A Unique, But Uneven Look At Love
IN A NEW YORK MINUTE: A Unique, But Uneven Look At Love

Overall, In A New York Minute feels unique in its premise and execution, and a very promising entry early in Ximan Li’s filmography.

LITTLE: Marsai Martin Is Destined To Be A Star
LITTLE: Marsai Martin Is Destined To Be A Star

Despite the great performances by the three leads, Little suffers from a predictable plot and basic jokes.

AMERICAN GODS (S2E7) "Treasure Of The Son": The Proverbial Fan
AMERICAN GODS (S2E7) “Treasure Of The Son”: The Proverbial Fan

With only one episode left in the season, American Gods has to create some tension amongst its cast of characters.

AMÉRICA: Love In The Time Of Dementia

América is an empathetic, heartening documentary, painfully true in its depiction of the hardships arising from family members caring for an elder who’s losing her grip on their and her own identity.

WILD NIGHTS WITH EMILY: Poetry Most Comedic & Steamy

There’s a refreshing nature in Wild Nights With Emily to how Madeleine Olnek gives Dickinson a certain dignity while embracing her truths that were buried in her work.

GAME OF THRONES (S8E3) “The Long Night”: All Prophecies Must Die

Game of Thrones spent so much time drumming up the battle with the Dead, that everything that comes after will be second fiddle in intensity and importance.

TOP END WEDDING: Rom-Com Reflections
TOP END WEDDING: Rom-Com Reflections

Top End Wedding is filled with all the romcom tropes and cliches you expect, but Wayne Blair’s film manages to sell this spin on the formula.


As with the girls at the center of this story, At the Heart of Gold is a documentary that people need to see, and to understand.

FAST COLOR: Gugu Mbatha-Raw Will Save Us All

A rare superhero movie that highlights the ordinary alongside the extraordinary, Fast Color is a bold and breathtaking spin on the genre that deserves to be seen as widely as any movie released under the Marvel banner.

Tribeca Film Festival 2019: WATSON: The Embodiment of Change, Resilience and Strength
Tribeca Film Festival 2019: WATSON: The Embodiment Of Change, Resilience & Strength

Watson is a vital showcase of the power a person can have to affect change and how far reaching that change can be to others.

TEEN SPIRIT: Familiar Tale Of Rising Talent Stays Sweet
TEEN SPIRIT: Familiar Tale Of Rising Talent Stays Sweet

The story of the underdog will always be a crowd-pleaser. An unknown phoenix yearning to…

Someone Great: The Comedies Of Heartbreak
SOMEONE GREAT: The Comedies Of Heartbreak

Although it’s not exactly faultless, Someone Great adequately captures themes of lost love and the power of friendship.