While it might sound dense and only appealing to a niche demographic, Ghani’s immersive record is a curiosity that will satisfy any inquiring cinematic mind.
In Part Three of Terrace House Tokyo, there are twelve different people living in the house throughout the twelve episodes, and there is just too much content to focus on.
The Platform is intriguing enough to reel in viewers who aren’t there just for its depravity, but unfortunately it fumbles developing anything further.
The objective of Luca Guadagnino’s experimental short The Staggering Girl is up for debate, which won’t be a problem for long-time admirers of the auteur’s style or share the same inherent love for high fashion.
Chung takes heavy, economic, social, and intimate struggles of one middle-class family and trusts the audience to find something relatable and universal in their story.
Dark Waters is poignant, infuriating, and anxiety-inducing in the best possible way, and serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and responsibility — now more than ever.