Despite some wonderfully imaginative special effects, Downsizing falls short due to its unfocused nature, an underdeveloped love story, and some feeble attempts at social satire.
In finding the perfect lead in Jackman as Barnum, providing moving and invigorating musical numbers executed by a stellar secondary cast, impressive visuals, and covering timely topics, The Greatest Showman overcomes its narrative shortcomings.
Though containing some elegant set design and impressive cinematography, Murder on the Orient Express can’t quite intrigue you to the potential that it could’ve, due to underdeveloped characters and an anticlimactic final reveal.
Using archival footage and a present-day interview, Jim & Andy fills in the backstory related to Jim’s spot-on performance of Andy Kaufman in 1999’s Man on the Moon, at the same time providing an explanation for some of his modern bizarre behavior.
Perfect Bid doesn’t overstay its welcome, it’s warmly presented, and offers up some interesting behind-the-scenes insights into one of the world’s most famous game shows.
With impeccable direction, engaging dialogue, consummate costume and makeup, and one of the best performances ever to grace the silver screen by Oldman, Darkest Hour is an overwhelming achievement.
The Shape of Water, Guillermo del Toro’s 10th feature, is loaded with qualities to praise, including beautifully-lit cinematography, a haunting score, and exceptional performances, but as a whole it’s not quite as impactful as it could’ve been.
The Family I Had is a sensitively-crafted and thoughtful documentary, utterly harrowing in its depiction of a family’s tragedy, but all the more powerful for being so.
The Breadwinner’s captivating aesthetic, heroic protagonist, moments of levity and weighty themes aid in drawing in youngsters and teaching them about the hardships faced by their peers on the other side of the world.