We the Animals is an undeniably moving film, but one whose emotional power is curbed by its similarity to other notable US indies of recent years, failing to rise out of the shadows.
Katee Sackhoff’s ability to pull off an almost solo performance is 2036: Origin Unknown’s saving grace and, ultimately, is what makes it worth any of your time.
Horn From the Heart is a fine documentary, following Paul Butterfield’s career in a compelling and caring way, enough so that you don’t need to know the music to appreciate the story.
A ghost of the film it tries to summon, The Secret of Marrowbone is unable to pull everything together and its disparate elements fail to coalesce into anything approaching satisfying.
Episode 5 of Sharp Objects, Closer, is the weakest episode of a brilliant bunch but one still packed with fantastic character work and shattering performances.
Some reviewers have called Blindspotting a buddy comedy, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth – this is a film designed to make you uncomfortable.