Nemes’ masterpiece Sunset ruminates on the cyclical ignorance of humanity to blistering effect, eliding our past faults, our present negligence and our future turmoil.
The Wind reverberates with an eerie tone, and though occasionally uneven, there is enough here to ultimately recommend it, especially for fans of Westerns or horror.
With her film Tamara and The Ladybug, Lucía Carreras has managed to craft a small scale film with a social awareness and universality reminiscent of The Bicycle Thieves.
The Curse of La Llorona is not original enough to stand on its own, relying too intently on jumpscares and with not enough focus on the characters around them.
Stockholm is successful in doing the impossible – making the viewer understand and even empathize with the interpersonal connection between a hostage and her captor, and vice versa.
A promising start quickly descends into troubling formula in The Best of Enemies, wasting two excellent lead performances and a potentially interesting story.