
THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE: Toxic Masculinity Takes A Hit Where It Hurts
THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE: Toxic Masculinity Takes A Hit Where It Hurts

The Art Of Self-Defense is a dark, sharp and poignant take on the current gender roles and expectations in society.

THE BOYS (S1E1) "The Name of the Game": Who Supervises the Supes?
THE BOYS (S1E1) “The Name Of The Game”: Who Supervises The Supes?

The Boys is a bizarre mishmash that leads to some mishandling of sensitive material and a strange tonal dissonance throughout.

HORRIBLE HISTORIES: THE MOVIE - ROTTEN ROMANS: Blackadder-lite Kids Comedy Just About Justifies Its Big Screen Running Time
HORRIBLE HISTORIES: THE MOVIE – ROTTEN ROMANS: Blackadder-lite Kids Comedy Just About Justifies Its Big Screen Running Time

Horrible Histories: The Movie – Rotten Romans delivers decent gags and a solid history wrapped up in a lightweight but semi-satisfying story.

UNDERCOVER IN THE ALT-RIGHT: A Harrowing Insight Into The Run Up To Charlottesville
UNDERCOVER IN THE ALT-RIGHT: A Harrowing Insight Into The Run Up To Charlottesville

Vital and essential viewing, Undercover In The Alt-Right has the potential to lead people more actively onto the side of peace, acceptance, and compassion.

BOTTOM OF THE 9TH: A Swing and a Miss
BOTTOM OF THE 9TH: A Swing & A Miss

Bottom of the 9th may be plagued with a slow moving plot, it does have the characteristics of what makes a compelling sports drama.

SURVIVING CONFESSION: Faith-Based Comedy Confesses The Cruciality Of Doubt
SURVIVING CONFESSION: Faith-Based Comedy Confesses The Cruciality Of Doubt

Surviving Confession is very much a lively indie taking place in a lifelessly cramped setting, while bluntly speaking some commendable verities of being human.

THE CURRENT WAR: More Heat Than Light In This Undercharged Historical Drama
THE CURRENT WAR: More Heat Than Light In This Undercharged Historical Drama

The Current War admirably attempts to be something bigger than it ultimately is, with its A-list cast and interesting-but-misfiring style.

SKIN: Sells Itself Short
SKIN: Sells Itself Short

Skin manages a few gripping moments thanks to its cast but can’t string them together into something meaningful.

LADYWORLD: Creates Tension from Sound and Explores the Struggles of Teenage Girls
LADYWORLD: Creates Tension From Sound & Explores The Struggles Of Teenage Girls

Ladyworld manages to capture the perfect balance between the moments of tension and uneasiness with moments of teenage life.

LOVE, ANTOSHA: Incredible Individual, Admirably Captured
LOVE, ANTOSHA: Incredible Individual, Admirably Captured

Love, Antosha competently tells the utterly heartbreaking story of Anton Yelchin, the very intelligent and talented actor whose life was cut short.

ARE YOU PROUD?: A Queer Primary Education
ARE YOU PROUD?: A Queer Primary Education

Ashley Joiner’s documentary Are You Proud is a gateway into the history of LGBTQ+ rights, rather than a comprehensive study, which is understandable due to the format.

PAVAROTTI: A Profound Exploration of a Delightful Icon
PAVAROTTI: A Profound Exploration Of A Delightful Icon

Pavarotti is at times hard to watch, but ever so entertaining and explosive exploring one of the most captivating and astonishing artists of the 20th century.

ASTRONAUT: Dreyfuss Gives Weight To Enjoyable But Maudlin Story
ASTRONAUT: Dreyfuss Gives Weight To Enjoyable But Maudlin Story

Despite some design flaws, Astronaut sticks its landing enjoyably enough thanks to the command of Dreyfuss and a novel angle of attack.

CUBBY: Quirky Coming of Age Film Gets Lost In Its Narrative
CUBBY: Quirky Coming of Age Film Gets Lost In Its Narrative

While it’s set up with a poignant perspectives, Cubby fails to provide an introspective look into loss and growth.

SECOND STAR ON THE RIGHT: An Affecting Dive Into Maturity
SECOND STAR ON THE RIGHT: An Affecting Dive Into Maturity

Ruth Caudeli’s Second Star on the Right winningly captures our varying levels of maturation and individualism, with beauty and style.