
NEXT DOOR SPY: A Low-Key Mystery for Kids
NEXT DOOR SPY: A Low-Key Mystery for Kids

Next Door Spy is a timid animated film but may be just enough for the kids come quiet time.

TURNOVER: A Digestible Feel-Good Drama
TURNOVER: A Digestible Feel-Good Drama

Despite the awkward execution, pacing, and acting, Turnover wonderfully underlines real friendship and the perseverance of the human spirit.

TOMMASO: Just Going Through the Movements
TOMMASO: Just Going Through The Movements

The idea seemed like the perfect match up. Unfortunately, Tommaso does not live up to the expectation.

NFMLA Monthly Film Festival June 2020: Asian Cinema Shorts Part 2
NFMLA Monthly Film Festival June 2020: Asian Cinema Shorts Part 2

NewFilmmakers Los Angeles brings its NFMLA Monthly Film Festival online June 5 to 7. We cover 5 more of the short films in the Asian Cinema program.

KATE NASH: UNDERESTIMATE THE GIRL: An Artist Takes Control of Her Future
KATE NASH: UNDERESTIMATE THE GIRL: An Artist Takes Control of Her Future

The buoyant mood of Kate Nash: Underestimate the Girl makes the documentary a joyous, inspirational ninety minutes.

BANANA SPLIT: Friendship Is the New Romance in This Hilarious & Sweet High School Comedy
BANANA SPLIT: Friendship Is the New Romance in This Hilarious & Sweet High School Comedy

This hilarious and poignant high school comedy is the perfect anecdote to soothe those quarantine woes and celebrate the arrival of summer.

Queerly Ever After #27: THE ACCOMPANIST (2019)
Queerly Ever After #27: THE ACCOMPANIST (2019)

There is so much going on in The Accompanist that none of the elements ever really come together to form a cohesive story.

GHOST TOWN ANTHOLOGY: A Movie about Unearthing Buried Secrets
GHOST TOWN ANTHOLOGY: A Movie About Unearthing Buried Secrets

Now available on Mubi, Ghost Town Anthology evokes the presence of a forgotten and bedeviled past buried underneath it.

NETFLIX VS. THE WORLD: From DVDs By Mail To Streaming Empire

In  Shawn Cauthen’s Netflix vs. the World, we witness the rise of Netflix from a fledgling startup to a producer of original content that wins Academy Awards.

JADDOLAND: The Liminal Echoes Of The Displaced Soul
JADDOLAND: The Liminal Echoes Of The Displaced Soul

Jaddoland’s depiction of immigant life through imagery and meditations will echo throurh ghte hearts and minds of its audience.


Boris And The Bomb not only tries to be bigger than the sum of its parts but also seems to have a lot of heart put into it, yet it never reaches the heights envisioned by its creators.

CRSHD: Floundering Narrative Fails to Entice in College Comedy
CRSHD: Floundering Narrative Fails To Entice In College Comedy

While a narrative focusing on young women exploring their sexuality without judgment would usually be greeted with enthusiasm, CRSHD treads well-worn stereotypes.

MARTIN EDEN: Voyaging Through Politics, Space & Time
MARTIN EDEN: Voyaging Through Politics, Space & Time

Despite Martin Eden being only two hours, it is so densely packed with a cosmos’s volume of emotion and life, that it is as epic as any Sergio Leone or David Lean film.

CLOSENESS: Kantemir Balagov’s Controversial Debut
CLOSENESS: Kantemir Balagov’s Controversial Debut

Closeness is an intriguing debut film that is marred by one incredibly bad choice on the part of its director.

Berlinale 2020: SUK SUK
Berlinale 2020: SUK SUK

As Hong Kong cinema continues to evolve, a film like Suk Suk is both important and necessary in reshaping the industry’s overall identity.