As Clay and his friends say good by to Liberty High, so too do we to the relevancy and unrelenting focus of a series unafraid to look away.
This Teacher isn’t a commercial film in its treatment of character, theme and aesthetic. But it’s one that deserves a mainstream audience.
Featuring a strong performance by Bill Nighy and not a whole lot else, there isn’t much in Sometimes Always Never to make this film stand out.
An over the top, aimless blunder of foolery, Dreamland is remarkably disastrous yet instantly forgetful.
The Journey Is the Destination is vibrant, violent, and sad, but it celebrates Dan Eldon’s exceptional life well.
Retrocausality has a lot of pieces that could make both an interesting and philosophical character study but it is not executed well.
Having done everything from gangster films to gothic horror, Ferrara and Dafoe have captivated audiences with their deeper, arthouse works.
Liberté is sexual, it’s arousing in respects, it’s taboo in many instances, but overall, it is grotesque and repulsive.
Audiences are well-endowed with a suspension of disbelief, and we deserve nostalgic, beautiful, happy stories Like The Handmaiden.
I’m No Longer Here allows the heart to overpower technique, and resulting in a heart-warming tale of cultural identity and the lack of it.
Lee Jutton spoke with Agnieszka Holland about her film Mr. Jones, the most surprising thing she learned while making the film, and the role of journalism in keeping democracy alive today.
Mr. Jones highlights the need for investigative journalism even in a world where hard evidence can be met with accusations of untruth.
Continuing her revolutionary depiction of real-time, No Home Movie epitomizes every quality that made Chantal Akerman’s cinema so groundbreaking.
Ariane Labed’s Olla tells an important tale of the migration of resourceful, young, Eastern European women into Western Europe.
Cinema is an incredible and invaluable tool for education, and we need it now more than ever.