
VIVA: Barbi in VIVA-Land

Viva is told by an indie woman director whose mise-en-scene and script pay tribute to classic musicals.

JULY RHAPSODY: Midlife Melancholia
JULY RHAPSODY: Midlife Melancholia

Revisiting July Rhapsody is a reminder that Ann Hui is one of the most empathetic and important filmmakers of the Hong Kong New Wave.

Watching SPIDER-MAN 2 On The Big Screen For The First Time

Finally getting to witness Spider-Man 2 gives me a newfound appreciation for my peers and this communal experience.

Horrific Inquiry: GOTHIKA (2003)

While Gothika may not have stood the test of time, or have the most plausible horror narrative, it delivers an eerie watch.

Horrific Inquiry: FUNNY GAMES (2007)

Horror films have trained us to expect the final girl, but Funny Games does not acknowledge this hope and desire for survival.

LOVE ACTUALLY: 20 Years Later, Love Is Still All Around
LOVE ACTUALLY: 20 Years Later, Love Is Still All Around

Love Actually is as heartwarming as it is quotable – the experience of love and joy a permanent staple each and every year.

BRIDGET JONE'S DIARY: A Love Letter to Romance in Adulthood
BRIDGET JONES’S DIARY: A Love Letter to Romance in Adulthood

Bridget Jones’s Diary is a classic, yet refreshing, take on the rom-com, showing the imperfectly wonderful side of romance in your thirties.

Horrific Inquiry: THANKSKILLING (2008)
Horrific Inquiry: THANKSKILLING (2008)

Welcome back to the scariest, and at times goriest, column here at Film Inquiry: Horrific Inquiry.…

"You're On My Crew": FIREFLY 20 Years Later
“You’re On My Crew”: FIREFLY 20 Years Later

In the end, Firefly is full of not only wit, style and imagination, but a burning compassion for its characters, along with their individual differences.

THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER: Floundering Faith in Messy Retread
THE EXORCIST: BELIEVER: Floundering Faith in Messy Retread

Believer wields the Exorcist saga poorly by vomiting so much at the screen and leaving little more than a mess of themes and characters.

Horrific Inquiry: THANKSKILLING (2008)
Horrific Inquiry: SAW (2004)

From filming style to a twisty narrative structure, “Saw” is a film that not only bore a franchise but has retained itself as a true horror classic.

Horrific Inquiry: THE HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT (2009)

While nowhere near as successful as the Conjuring franchise in popularity or quality, The Haunting in Connecticut proves itself entertaining.

Horrific Inquiry: THE DESCENT: PART 2 (2009)

The Descent: Part 2 falls within the overflowing pot of sequels made for the sake of making a sequel.

Horrific Inquiry: THE DESCENT (2005)

The Descent is a film you literally feel, in a league all of its own.

Horrific Inquiry: THE RING (2002)

It may not stand against the test of time in all that it has to deliver, but The Ring still proves to audiences why it never sleeps.