Both P.P. Rider and Typhoon Club showcase many aspects of Somai’s signature style, Lee Jutton takes a look at both.
Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is a beautiful film, and despite its grim subject matter, there is an underlying sense of warmth to it.
Horrific Inquiry looks back on Sleepaway Camp, one of the most successful independent films ever made, and its societal lens on young women.
As we wait for No Time To Die, Jake Tropila takes a look at Never Say Never Again, the only unofficial James Bond film starring Sean Connery.
By examining these two films, audiences can come to terms with why this struggle against business practices in America has felt so small in past films.
As we wait for No Time To Die, Jake Tropila takes a look back at Octopussy, Roger Moore’s penultimate film as James Bond.
Videodrome’s feverish portrayal of the seductive allure and caustic bite of media indulgence and hyperreality remains to-the-minute.