The film making is far from flawless, but what Ganja & Hess really projects is the sense that it came from a person who wanted the work to reflect himself.
Second Sight’s revival of World on a Wire is vital for not only highlighting one of Fassbinder’s more underrated efforts, but for resurrecting one of the essential texts of science fiction.
While Emperor of the North (1973) accurately portrays the unique subculture of the hobo in many ways, it also does itself a disservice by removing friendship between hobos, a central aspect of hobohemia.
‘So Bad They’re Good’ movies are a thing now. Movie list websites are awash with them. Troll 2 is often the high-watermark, and it appears that most of these no-budget horrors tend to be of American origin.
Over at our official Facebook page, we are currently posting daily film recommendations, with each week being a different theme. This is a collection of those recommendations! This week’s theme is focused on the year 1973.