LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: A Modern Fairy Tale

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LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: A Modern Fairy Tale

It has been a while since I have watched a rom-com that drips with a fairy tale essence. It’s a hard balance to attain even when it does exist, too often leaning into the cliches of love and story time magic to bring the romantic comedy to life. Nothing could be farther from the truth with Vanessa Caswill‘s Love at First Sight. A film is aware of its origin yet unique in its passion, Love at First Sight is a surprising delight with a heartwarming love story that harnesses the essence of fairy tale magic and fate – all with the guidance of its very own fairy godmother.

It Only Takes A Moment

Based on the book The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith, the film opens in the reminiscent fashion of Love Actually. As the narrator speaks to December 20th being the worst day to travel at JFK airport, we are introduced to our leading lady Hadley (Haley Lu Richardson) – whose four-minute late arrival for her flight to London sets the entire story of fate into motion. Love at First Sight immediately dives into a quippy introduction of Hadley’s fears and familial intricacies giving us a brief yet solid framework to understand her. While some aspects will be used for comedic effect, others will become deeply rooted markers throughout her journey – both in destination and love.

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: A Modern Fairy Tale
source: Netflix

As she secures a new flight to London, almost entirely confirming her personality trait of statistical lateness, she and the audience meet Oliver (Ben Hardy). Their attraction is immediately felt, the title and direction of the film grounded in the extreme close-ups of their eyes meeting for the first time. The chemistry between Hadley and Oliver is instantaneously felt both in the dialogue delivered and the performances of Richardson and Hardy. Each is able to capture the puppy love of first meeting and first connections, all while making their performances feel authentic and free. As an audience, you will fall in love with their pairing at first sight.

This carries through the entirety of the film. Where many rom-com’s fail to maintain the magical connection they initially establish, Love At First Sight holds strong throughout. Much of this is in Richardson and Hardy. Bolstered by a heartwarming script, they each bring a quirkiness to their performances that feels lived in. Yet, it is not just our leading pair that gives the film its heart. It is rather the trifecta of fate in the constant presence of their endearing godmother. Here, our narrator acts not just as a guide for the audience, but one for our couple as well. Where Hadley and Oliver are on a journey to find love, the film’s narrator is its heart. Played to perfection by Jameela Jamil, the film’s narrator is always playfully present, guiding Hadley and Oliver constantly toward one another. She works as the fairy godmother of the film, embracing every essence of fate while reminding our main characters, and ourselves, of the importance of each and every love story.

LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: A Modern Fairy Tale
source: Netflix

Where Love At First Sight could have fallen into the traps of rom-coms, becoming a regurgitation of film’s past, it continues to remain unique. While much of this lies in its narrator’s inclusion throughout the film, a majority of this feeling comes from the film’s awareness of the cliches we are all too familiar with. It addresses many early on, in a subtle, yet aware fashion. Love At First Sight works well maintaining a balance in its pace, keeping the film moving through site location as well as filming direction. Always with a splash of vibrant color, Love At First Sight works well to manage its constant inclusion of side characters and story. Where many are introduced strictly for movement of the narrative, here they work as well to infuse the depth of Hadley and Oliver, giving a worldly feel with unlimited breadth. Love comes in a moment, but there was always a lifetime before and after, and Love at First Sight never forgets this.


Love At First Sight does retain a predictable nature, but by the film’s end, you will want the predictability. You will want the film to end as you expect as your fondness for Hadley and Oliver grows exponentially. Absorbing the statistic of rom-coms and love, Love At First Sight is an absolute delight, capturing the effervescent nature of first love and the endearing power of fate.

Love At First Sight will be streaming on Netflix on September 15, 2023!

Watch Love At First Sight


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