Film Inquiry

Inquiring Minds: Sundance Film Festival: THE RAINBOW BRIDGE

This is the column that digs into the science fiction lover’s world, tackling some of the most complex and perplexing that content allows. Is it weird? Most likely. Do we love it? Yes! It’ll likely be thought-provoking, and potentially illuminating.
Intriguing minds unite for the weirdest Film Inquiry Column yet.

The Rainbow Bridge is a strange and hilarious sci-fi jaunt that takes on an obsession with our animals to the next level.

When Tina (Thu Tran) brings her elderly dog, MeeMoo in to Rainbow Bridge Enterprises, she’s just looking for some help. What she finds… is another story.

Those there, including Dr. Bailey Picadillo (Heather Lawless) and her partner, Herb, (James Urbaniak) are running tests to track the bond between an owner and their animal before bringing them to a cosmic place where they can truly say goodbye.

When they discover that Tina and MeeMoo share a uniquely powerful connection, Tina becomes their next subject.

It’s creative, absurd, and fantastical. I loved it. The bonkers humor is a perfect mix of hilarity and witty writing, brought to life through a delectable set design and performances that are a blast to watch.

Written, directed, edited and composed by Dimitri Simakis, The Rainbow Bridge is a science fiction delight that boasts an energetic spirit and an unforgettable oddity.

Check out our other Inquiring Minds content!

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