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The Cinephile’s Lounge: Week 6

Another week, another cinema.

Castro Cinema © woody1969 @ Flickr

This is the Castro Cinema in San Fransisco, CA, USA. It’s a classic beauty, isn’t it? I especially love the interior:

Castro Cinema Interior by © Kev Jones


It’s been an interesting week. A stressful one, a calm one, an eventful one… It’s been a mix of everything!

At the start of the week I emailed a professor at the Uni of Melbourne to see whether she would be interested in supervising my PhD. I haven’t heard back yet, and that stuff always makes me super nervous. We’ll see though. And I really have to start working on my proposal. I’m keeping my fingers crossed she’ll be interested in any case.

Also, last week I mentioned we were hoping to lease an amazing house here in Perth, and that the owners chose us as the most suitable tenants. After that it caused us quite a bit of stress since there still wasn’t a lease agreement and we had some bad history in that department… It caused quite some tension. Thankfully though, it all worked out and we signed it yesterday, yay! It’s super exciting, we’ll be moving next week Wednesday.

The house is near the beach, and I can’t wait to spend more time on the there, it’s just so wonderful. We went for a sunset walk on the beach and the views were gorgeous:

It’s still… About three more weeks after we move there before our container with furniture and stuff arrives (it was shipped from The Netherlands December 31, it takes AGES, all the way to Australia), so we’ll be camping in our new home in the meantime, lol. Can’t wait for our stuff to arrive. Also, I can’t wait for my little tiger cat to arrive. He’ll be flying here on Feb 17, after which he has to spend 10 days in quarantine. We’re gonna pick him up from the airport on March 1. Almost o/. It’s remarkable how much you can miss a pet. Anyway, our lives are starting to get back to a relative level of normalcy, heh.

Part of that normalcy, also, is that we’ll have a proper internet connection again as soon as we move into the house – no more 4GB data cap! No more going to cafés for internet (and no more being grossed out by people coughing their lungs out and scraping their throats incessantly *eyes lady across the room*). Can’t wait to get a Netflix subscription either – finally.

So yeah, good things!

I’ve worked hard on FilmInquiry this week, which has been great. Also, I applied at to become a contributor to their film and TV departments a few days ago, and… I heard back from them – they want to have me! Look! I have an author profile! So I’m planning on contributing regularly there, and I’ll be sharing those posts here as well. I’m super excited about it – it really is my dream to write for a living and actually getting paid for it really is a step in the right direction! ^_^

By the way, I saw Europa Report and The Wolverine recently, but… I felt too meh about them to write about them, especially the latter. Europa Report was kind of cool, but the ending was a let-down. Maybe I should write about it anyway. A quick & dirty review?

[alert type=red ]So what has happened for you this week? Any plans for the weekend? Anything you’ll be watching?[/alert]

Hope you have a great weekend!

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