Season Review

BOSCH SEASON 6: Consistently One Of The Best Shows On TV
BOSCH SEASON 6: Consistently One Of The Best Shows On TV

Bosch is an impressively crafted ensemble show with a wealth of excellent actors that make for an impressive consistency over its six-season run.

RAMY Season 2: Continues To Show Us How Hard It Is To Be Better
RAMY Season 2: Continues To Show Us How Hard It Is To Be Better

Maintaining the humor of season one, the latest season of Ramy is also moving, heartbreaking, and relevant.

THE MIDNIGHT GOSPEL: A Mind-Tripping, Animated Podcast
THE MIDNIGHT GOSPEL Season 1: A Mind-Tripping, Animated Podcast

Whether you’re a fan of podcasts or adult animation, The Midnight Gospel offers a mind-bending experience to viewers that has not really been seen before.

CENTRAL PARK Season 1: Close To My Heart, Closer To My Funnybone

Central Park, as a show, goes down like a Manhattan. Straight-up and smooth and quintessentially New York.

THE EDDY Miniseries: Great Performances & Music Make For Simmering Drama
THE EDDY Miniseries: Great Performances & Music Make For Simmering Drama

Throughout its limited run, The Eddy is a stylistic and emotional success. Any shots at true greatness, however, are hampered by some persistent narrative frailties.

NORMAL PEOPLE Season 1: An Intimate And Heart-Aching Depiction Of Young Love
NORMAL PEOPLE Season 1: An Intimate & Heart-Aching Depiction Of Young Love

From the top-notch performances and Alice Birch’s honest writings, every aspect in Normal People is brilliantly crafted.

THE STRANGER: Make This Your Next Must See
THE STRANGER Season 1: Make This Your Next Must See

Gripping and irresistible, The Stranger will have you holding your breath and on the edge of your seat until the final moments.

HOLLYWOOD Miniseries: Style & Some Substance In Slick Netflix Drama
HOLLYWOOD Miniseries: Style & Some Substance In Slick Netflix Drama

With the talent involved and the potential of its revisionist take on Golden Age Hollywood, Netflix’s Hollywood provides minor thrills where it promised major dramatic power.

LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE Season 1: Motherhood And Privileges Set Suburban Life On Fire
LITTLE FIRES EVERYWHERE Season 1: Motherhood & Privilege Set Suburban Life On Fire

From its aggressive ambitions to tackle a lot of things to its unsubtle and heavy-handed melodrama approach, Little Fires Everywhere obviously suffers from most of it.

TALES FROM THE LOOP Season 1: A Tale Of Love, Loss, And Loneliness
TALES FROM THE LOOP Season 1: A Tale Of Love, Loss & Loneliness

From the stunning visual and production design to the stellar direction, nearly all aspects of Tales from the Loop are crafted perfectly with care and a lot of heart.

First Thoughts on MRS. AMERICA: Refreshes The Memory Of The Equal Rights Amendment Events
First Thoughts on MRS. AMERICA: Refreshes The Memory Of The Equal Rights Amendment Events

With its well-crafted story and amazing casting, Mrs. America surely makes us think about the past, present, and future of women and women’s rights.

THE VIRTUES: The Power Of Abuse

Filmed with such a raw, visceral style and nothing less than totally compelling, The Virtues is some of Shane Meadows’ best work.

THE SINNER Season 3: Articulating Male Vulnerability
THE SINNER Season 3: Articulating Male Vulnerability

When the show digs deep into its examination of masculinity and male emotions, The Sinner remains a standout like no other crime show on TV right now.

ESCAPE AT DANNEMORA: Riveting Prison Break Drama
ESCAPE AT DANNEMORA: A Riveting Prison Break Drama

Escape at Dannemora is a marvellous prison drama that requires patience and commitment, and features magnificent performances from three of the best actors working today.

TERRACE HOUSE TOKYO 2019-2020 PART 3: Hearts Bent, Boundaries Broken

In Part Three of Terrace House Tokyo, there are twelve different people living in the house throughout the twelve episodes, and there is just too much content to focus on.