Whether you’re a fan of podcasts or adult animation, The Midnight Gospel offers a mind-bending experience to viewers that has not really been seen before.
Throughout its limited run, The Eddy is a stylistic and emotional success. Any shots at true greatness, however, are hampered by some persistent narrative frailties.
With the talent involved and the potential of its revisionist take on Golden Age Hollywood, Netflix’s Hollywood provides minor thrills where it promised major dramatic power.
From its aggressive ambitions to tackle a lot of things to its unsubtle and heavy-handed melodrama approach, Little Fires Everywhere obviously suffers from most of it.
From the stunning visual and production design to the stellar direction, nearly all aspects of Tales from the Loop are crafted perfectly with care and a lot of heart.
Escape at Dannemora is a marvellous prison drama that requires patience and commitment, and features magnificent performances from three of the best actors working today.
In Part Three of Terrace House Tokyo, there are twelve different people living in the house throughout the twelve episodes, and there is just too much content to focus on.