Short Film Reviews

Mrs. Doubtfire
MRS. DOUBTFIRE Recut: The Horror Version

Remember Mrs. Doubtfire? It’s not a spectacular movie, but I remember it fondly, having enjoyed it when I was little.

MIS-DROP: Dropped Into A War Zone From Space

This awesome short shows you the mysterious disappearance of Private Glenn. His mission is to be dropped on a planet, though we don’t know what else the mission entails. All we see, constantly, is his face – he was recorded by the camera mounted on his helmet, and all we see from his surroundings is what’s reflected on that helmet.

IDENTITY: A Fabulous Short Film On The Cultural Construct of Self

Identity is a short film by KJ Adames. The short film criticizes the dominant cultural norms of identity and the self, and beautifully stylized, suggests we be ourselves instead of try to conform to those  norms. Although the use of masks is a tad literal, I found it interesting nonetheless.

Watch this Iranian short film: TONIGHT IS NOT A GOOD NIGHT FOR DYING

Here’s a bit of a darker short film for you (certainly compared to the one I shared last week): the Iranian short film Tonight is not a Good Night for Dying (2011), directed by Ali Asgari. This short is shot from the perspective of a man who just fell from a building.

Surprisingly Awesome Animated Short Film: WIND

I came across this animated short film called Wind. It’s a graduation film by a film student, Robert Löbel, of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. I loved this.