Miss Julie
MISS JULIE: Good For Some, Hard For Others

Known as an early work of naturalism, Miss Julie is a story of a Baron’s daughter who makes advances toward her family’s valet, Jean. One midsummer’s eve, tensions escalate between three characters: Miss Julie, Jean, and his fiance, Christine.


First, think of the most overused plot of an espionage action thriller. Throw in a young, rebellious kid who dares to walk in his father’s once-proud footsteps. Finally, mix in a cartoonish super-villian with unbelievable plans to destroy the world and a super-secret spy agency that is at their wit’s end in their attempts to stop him.

TWO DAYS, ONE NIGHT: A Brilliant Showcase of Humanity in 48 Hours

Over the course of a film spanning a mere two days, the Dardenne Brothers have demonstrated the fundamental characteristics of life, with all of its virtues and vices unabridged. Money as the root of all evil Two Days, One Night depicts the debacle of a Belgian woman named Sandra, who, after taking sick leave to battle depression, is laid off from her job; a decision voted on by her coworkers, who were forced to choose between her and their year-end bonuses. Through an altercation between the foreman, however, who intimidated a majority of the workers to vote against her, Sandra is given a second chance, which would be a re-vote on the following Monday.

IDA: More Art than Film

Anna, a young woman on the verge of nunhood raised from the confines of a lonely convent discovers that her only living relative, Wanda, is a judge who abides by an irresponsible lifestyle of hedonism. These two very different personalities clash in Poland’s submission to the foreign film category of the Oscars, Ida. Anna and Wanda embark through the vestiges of Poland to locate the remains of Anna’s parents in order to give them a proper burial, a journey which becomes a heartfelt saunter that causes the pair to question their beliefs.

A Most Violent Year
A MOST VIOLENT YEAR: A Most Satisfying Film

J.C. Chandor may be just starting out, but his film resume is already very impressive.

Jupiter Ascending
JUPITER ASCENDING: A Very Confused Wizard of Oz in Space

Let’s say Star Wars meets The Matrix. What comes to mind? An all-out intergalactic battle?

WHIPLASH: A Story of Anger and Ambition

Why do we strive for greatness? What pushes someone to practice something over and over, until his hands bleed, until he perfects it? Can this intensity be brought out in all of us?

Seventh Son
SEVENTH SON: Not More Than A Lord Of The Rings Wannabe

It is undeniable that the new millennium has seen fantasy novel adaptations reign supreme over Hollywood territory. It began in the year 2001 when the British again invaded America: now in the filmmaking industry.

BLACKHAT: A Big-Budget Glitch

Although many are still reeling from the aftershocks of the Sony hacking scandal, the growth of the cybercrime era had actually reached red alert long before the North Koreans. It is quite frightening to imagine how a person could be as deadly as a nuclear weapon with just one click of a keyboard, and it remains a problem unresolved by international governments. As always, Hollywood’s part on this is to jump on the bandwagon, establishing a new genre of its own with collective bits of movie magic in order to turn in easy money for film studios.

AMERICAN SNIPER: A Difficult Portrait

When the Oscar nominations rolled in on Thursday, perhaps the biggest surprise – other than the snubs for Selma – were the six nods including Best Picture and Best Actor for American Sniper, a movie which few expected to be in the running after getting no attention from the Golden Globes or BAFTAs. There was an even bigger surprise a few days later, when it was announced that the film drew in a stunning $89 million in its opening weekend, which is more than most of last year’s summer blockbusters. The Iraq War drama snuck up on the awards race out of nowhere, and shattered January box office records beyond all expectation.

What We Do In The Shadows
WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS: Hilariously Human Vampires

What We Do In The Shadows is a mockumentary that expertly takes the piss out of the currently very glamorous pop culture status of the historic monster, the vampire. It initially features four vampires who live together in a flat in Wellington, New Zealand. All have arrived there for different reasons:

FOXCATCHER: A Cold-Hearted Story

The discussion on the best knockout films of all-time continues. If you missed my review on Million Dollar Baby in December, it served as the start of this discussion. This includes films based on boxing, wrestling, martial arts, MMA, etc.

MR. TURNER: Easy To Admire, Hard To Like

Biopics are difficult to get right, especially if you’re covering the life story of somebody whose life story is already well known. How do you make it entertaining to an audience familiar with the backstory, yet still entertaining to a new audience who aren’t? Mike Leigh’s latest directorial effort Mr.

THE IMITATION GAME: A Masterpiece in Acting and Directing

2014 should really be known as “The Year of the Biopic.” There have been films this past year that were based on many world-reknown icons, from Martin Luther King to Stephen Hawking to pop singer James Brown. And somewhere in the midst of all those comes the story of Alan Turing, a British mathematician that almost single-handedly won World War II.

THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES: A (Mostly) Satisfactory Conclusion To The Trilogy

Peter Jackson’s first Lord of the Rings trilogy is potentially one of the finest trilogies ever made. Each film in the series, from Fellowship of the Ring to Return of the King, are all solid masterpieces, containing beautiful cinematography, fine character acting, and iconic soundtracks by Howard Shore. The Hobbit series, on the other hand, is much more inconsistent.