Chicken for Linda! (2024) - source: GKIDS
CHICKEN FOR LINDA!: Empty Stomachs, Empty Minds

“Chicken for Linda!” is an animated French drama with a precocious child, a poultry-napping, and some lively characters.

The Coder: Tense, Tight, and Thrilling
The Coder: Tense, Tight, and Thrilling

One of the marks of a good short film is that it leaves you longing for more, and that’s the case with The Coder.

Despicable Me 4 review
DESPICABLE ME 4: Nothing New With The Gru Crew

I realized many years ago that Illumination’s animated films are all about gags over stories.…

BLACK CAB: The Everything Bagel Of Road Horror

Black Can is worth a one time watch, if for no other reason than to see Nick Frost really let loose.

WOMAN OF THE HOUR: The Right Focus

Woman of The Hour did an amazing job of capturing a time and place while still keeping it relevant for today’s world.


Once a proud young artist pioneering the exploration of the pop-macabre and the surreal, Tim…

HERETIC: An Admirable But Empty Puzzlebox 
HERETIC: An Admirable But Empty Puzzlebox 

While it may be highly satisfying to watch while its puzzlebox is winding through its narrative gears, Heretic is a box with nothing hidden inside.

Micro Budget: Macro Entertainment
MICRO BUDGET: Macro Entertainment

Micro Budget is a hilarious look at the struggles of filmmaking and an interesting character study of those just crazy enough to try.

ANOTHER DAY IN AMERICA: Unsettling Truths Behind the Desk

Another Day in America is a sharp social commentary with explosive performances and a searing snapshot of everyday life.

HOLD YOUR BREATH: When The Dust Settles
HOLD YOUR BREATH: When The Dust Settles

Hold Your Breath is a fantastic film and at a short runtime, what do you have to lose to give it a shot?

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: THE RULE OF JENNY PEN
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: THE RULE OF JENNY PEN

Jenny Pen is a cold-eyed excavation of one of the basest fears humanity possesses: That life, in all its triumphs, is a meaningless house of cards.

GREEDY PEOPLE: Money, It's A Crime
GREEDY PEOPLE: Money, It’s A Crime

The direction, the cinematography, the lighting, all of it mesh together to highlight the wild and always forward story that is Greedy People.

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: EXORCISMO
Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: EXORCISMO

Like any good exploitation movie Exorcismo feels like a pleasant discovery for a genre buff, a treat from the back of the video store.  

Brooklyn Horror Film Festival: GENERATION TERROR

Generation Terror proves a refreshing revitalization of the nuances under all the blood and guts, as well as the guts themselves. 

MURDERING THE DEVIL and the Artistic Irreverence of Ester Krumbachová
MURDERING THE DEVIL and the Artistic Irreverence of Ester Krumbachová

Murdering the Devil is a prime example of how exhilarating the films of the Czechoslovak New Wave can be, and how much they owe to Krumbachová’s talents.