Beginner’s Guide

The Beginners Guide: Christopher Nolan, Director
The Beginners Guide: Christopher Nolan, Director

In this Beginner’s Guide we discuss some of Christopher Nolan’s best work to date, his influences and artful filmmaking skills.

The Beginners Guide: John Carpenter, Director
The Beginners Guide: John Carpenter, Director

In this beginner’s guide, we discuss John Carpenter’s work – spanning the duration of his career in skillfully frightening his audience.

The Beginner's Guide: Parody
The Beginner’s Guide: Parody

Despite its poor rap of recent years, parody a rich genre with great gems. In this Beginner’s Guide we consider its history and current status.

The Beginner's Guide: Mike Nichols, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Mike Nichols, Director

In our latest beginner’s guide, we rundown director Mike Nichols, who had humble beginnings in comedy before becoming an acclaimed director.

The Beginner's Guide: David Cronenberg, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: David Cronenberg, Director

In this beginner’s guide, we discuss David Cronenberg’s work – an influential director who is particularly known for his body horror films.

Beginner's Guide: Ben Wheatley, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Ben Wheatley, Director

Director Ben Wheatley is one of the most prolific directors in Britain, always directing with a passion that shows in his finished works.

Beginner's Guide: Carol Morley, Director & Writer
The Beginner’s Guide: Carol Morley, Director & Writer

Never scared to experiment with format, or to tell a sincerely personal story, Carol Morley is truly a filmmaker of our time.

The Beginner's Guide: Denis Villeneuve, Director
The Beginner’s Guide: Denis Villeneuve, Director

In this beginner’s guide, we explore Canadian director Denis Villeneuve’s journey from psychological indies to mainstream blockbusters.

The Beginner’s Guide: Jacques Demy, Director

In our latest beginner’s guide, we take a run-down through the films of Jacques Demy, a French director who triumphed in the musical genre.

The Beginner's Guide To Yorgos Lanthimos, Director
The Beginner’s Guide To Yorgos Lanthimos, Director

Yorgos Lanthimos, a Greek director and screenwriter, is known for his unusual and obscure films, renowned for their sheer originality.

Beginner's Guide: The Duplass Brothers, Directors, Writers and Actors
The Beginner’s Guide: The Duplass Brothers, Directors, Writers & Actors

Directors, writers, actors and producers, The Duplass Brothers have become synonymous with quality American Independent Cinema.

The Beginner’s Guide: Jeff Nichols, Director & Writer

I first discovered Jeff Nichols back in 2013, when I happened to catch Mud in theaters. Not knowing what to expect, I still remember distinctly how I felt walking out of the theater – I absolutely loved everything about the film. I was stunned by its raw, understated beauty, with characters that lived and breathed, and a coming-of-age story that was uniquely captivating.

A Few Important Films from Abbas Kiarostami: Essential Viewing For Tumultuous Times
The Beginner’s Guide To Abbas Kiarostami, Director: Essential Viewing For Tumultuous Times

Abbas Kiarostami was an Iranian filmmaker that was part of the Iranian New Wave, a movement concerning self-reflexive and humanistic films.

Beginner's Guide: John Cassavetes, Director, Writer, Actor
The Beginner’s Guide: John Cassavetes, Director, Writer, Actor

Beginning as an actor, John Cassavetes progressed to directing, and in the process became one of the landmark directors of indie filmmaking.

The Beginner's Guide: Brit Marling, Actress & Screenwriter
The Beginner’s Guide: Brit Marling, Actress & Screenwriter

Brit Marling has made a name for herself in movies and TV, playing strong-willed women in captivating roles in addition to writing.