Film Festivals

SXSW 2020: LOVEBITES: Toxicity & Loneliness
SXSW 2020: LOVEBITES: Toxicity & Loneliness

Lovebites trusts its audience to make the connections, the empathy, and the call to action.

Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 3: AWAY & S HE
Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 3: AWAY & S HE

For our final report from the inaugural Fantastic Film Festival Australia, we take a look at two films that were in production for many years, Away and S He.

Berlinale 2020: Interview With SUK SUK Actors Tai Bo, Ben Yuen & Patra Au
Berlinale 2020: Interview With SUK SUK Actors Tai Bo, Ben Yuen & Patra Au

Film Inquiry sat down with Suk Suk’s three main actors (Tai Bo, Ben Yuen and Patra Au) to talk about working on such a uniquely important project in Hong Kong cinema.

Berlinale 2020: Interview With SUK SUK Director Ray Yeung (Part 1/2)
Berlinale 2020: Interview With SUK SUK Director Ray Yeung

The director (Yeung) and cast of Suk Suk (Tai Bo, Ben Yuen, Patra Au) sat down with Film Inquiry to talk about the film when it was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival.

Glasgow Film Festival 2020: A Sit Down With Jonas Chernick, Star Of JAMES VS HIS FUTURE SELF

We were able to speak with Jonas Chernick, star of the upcoming sci-fi James vs. His Future Self, during the 2020 Glasgow Film Festival.

TIFF Dispatch: In Conversation With Thomas Heise, Director Of HEIMAT IS A SPACE IN TIME

Prolific German documentarian Thomas Heise returns with Heimat is a Space in Time. We spoke with the director ahead of the film’s release.

Berlinale 2020: Interview With PARI Director Siamak Etemadi
Berlinale 2020: Interview With PARI Director Siamak Etemadi

We spoke with Pari director Siamak Etemadi about the tone of the film, its lead, and how he expects Western audiences will receive the film.


Wilson Kwong reviews two films from emerging filmmakers that screened at Berlinale 2020: Ordinary Justice and Pari.

Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 2: CUTTERHEAD & CLIMATE OF THE HUNTER
Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 2: CUTTERHEAD & CLIMATE OF THE HUNTER

For our second report from the Fantastic Film Festival Australia, we take a look at…

Berlinale 2020: THE ROADS NOT TAKEN
Berlinale 2020: THE ROADS NOT TAKEN

The Roads Not Taken is surprisingly immersive and punctuated with many emotional beats along the way.

Berlinale 2020: RIZI (DAYS)
Berlinale 2020: RIZI (DAYS)

To say that Tsai Ming-Liang’s Rizi is a challenging film would be understating the staggering experience of actually watching the film.

Human Rights Watch Film Festival London 2020: COLLECTIVE, LOVE CHILD & More
Human Rights Watch Film Festival London 2020: COLLECTIVE, LOVE CHILD & More

The London Human Rights Watch Film Festival will be presented from 12 to 20 March 2020, featuring empowering documentaries and dramas celebrating courageous people.

Sundance 2020: MINARI
Sundance 2020: MINARI

In our final review from Sundance 2020, Janet Lee reviews MinarI, a film that brings an honest story of family, love, selfishness, and humility.


Yalda, A Night For Forgivness is a solidly crafted a socially conscious film while making some truly bold cinematic choices.

Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 1: Two British Genre Filmmakers Make Their Debut
Fantastic Film Festival Australia Report 1: Two British Genre Filmmakers Make Their Debut

In his first report from Fantastic Film Festival Australia 2020, Matthew Singleton reviews Saint Maud and A Serial Killer’s Guide to Life!