

Our team awarded Boyhood with our Best Movie of the Year Award, and we’d like to share the love with you! Now is your chance to get your hands on your own copy of Boyhood! This giveaway will run from Wednesday 21 January 2015, 12:

Film Inquiry Best Movie of 2014
Film Inquiry’s Best Movie Of 2014

It’s award season, and Film Inquiry, of course, cannot stay behind. Thusly, we’ve decided to do our very first Film Inquiry Best Movie of the Year!   To determine which movie would be awarded this prestigious title, our team members sent in their lists of top 5 movies of 2014.

Nicolas Cage
The Case: Nicolas Cage

At some point in life, everybody does something brave. Whether it’s as big as rescuing somebody from a burning building or just standing up to the bullies who have taken their lunch money, it’s these moments of courage that continue to define them as a person. In every single movie he’s in, Nicolas Cage has a moment of courage that elevates whatever straight-to-DVD mess he’s in from something mediocre into something slightly less mediocre.

The Best and Worst of the 2015 Golden Globe Awards

And with that, the 2014 awards season is in full swing. The Golden Globes are like the Oscars’s boozy younger cousin. Maybe not as big of a deal, but dammit that cousin is so much more fun.

How To Apply For Filmmaking Grants (And Why You Should Do It)

A lot of indie filmmakers talk about how they’re going to find investors to fund their next film. These mythical “angel investors” will supposedly swoop down with bags of cash and make all your filmmaking dreams come true. But the reality is that these investors generally don’t materialize.

Why BASEKETBALL Is The Best Sports Movie Ever Made

Organized sports. The bread and butter (or lack thereof) that keeps this nation afloat. Money, power, prestige.

10 Days of Christmas

The nights are drawing in, the stockings are hanging from the fireplace, and the shops are starting to fill with hordes of panicked shoppers. Yes, it’s Christmas, and that inevitably means it’s time to get into the spirit of the Christmas movie. No other film genre has formed itself more strongly out of a time of year.

10 Movie Flops That Became Modern Classics

It’s always interesting to learn random movie trivia; it’s especially interesting when you learn that a classic or celebrated film tanked at box office upon its theatrical release. If these films are so great, how come they only sparked a mere fizzle when they hit the silver screen? Sometimes the director’s vision is trampled by the producers, and the film is re-edited, compromising the film.

Film Inquiry’s 10 Best Articles of November

Although it was a busy month for everyone, November was a month filled with great articles from our contributors! Below is the list of our ten best articles of November. In case you missed them before, enjoy!

American Horror Story: A Film For Each Season

The gripping TV series American Horror Story is taking over everyone’s televisions. Its story-lines have no boundaries, and each week we are shocked by what writer and producer, Ryan Murphy has in store for us. The show is very distinct since each series is (mostly) unrelated to the last, yet they do keep many of the stars of each season and recast them.

Carthage Film Festival
The Cultural Importance Of The Tunisian Carthage Film Festival

We don’t hear about the Tunisian cinema as often as we hear about the Moroccan or Iranian ones. We don’t have a major film festival like the Cairo International Film Festival or the Beirut International Film Festival, but we do have one important, symbolic one: the Carthage Film Festival.

Fun Time VHS Bonanza #1: BLACK COBRA

In the “Fun Time VHS Bonanza!” series I will be visiting my local thrift shop and pick up the most obscure VHS tape possible. The article will then be a self-reflective essay about the nuances and feelings that I get from the film.

Which Villain Can You Relate To Most?

Villains, if written well, can be the most interesting types of characters of any story. They can drive plots forward, up the action and even provide some emotional tension. Villains, if written well, can be a lot more human than any hero.

5 People Who Won Oscars For The Wrong Film

It’s no surprise that the Oscars often get it wrong. The list of film legends who have never won an Academy Award is pretty damning on the Academy: from Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles and Alfred Hitchc*ck to Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt.

Beasts of the Southern Wild
The American Southern: The Birth of a Modern Independent Film Genre

“These men who bust their asses work like dogs. And I believe in them, but every day they hurt. They get old, they peel back…