
A Quick Guide to Movie-Making: What You Need to Know
A Quick Guide To Movie-Making: What You Need To Know

[sponsored] Producing a great movie requires finesse; here are the preproduction, casting, and editing steps you have to take to ensure a smooth production.

FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Criterion Review: Moving In Stereo
FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH Criterion Review: Moving In Stereo

Owen Butler takes a look at the new Criterion Collection release of Amy Heckerling’s 1982 classic Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment Shortchanged MINARI
Brad Pitt’s Plan B Entertainment Shortchanged MINARI

The underfunding of Minari is hardly a controversy, but outside of a few Twitter threads, nobody is discussing it.

The Meaning of Fathers and Sons On Andrey Zvyagintsev’s THE RETURN
The Meaning of Fathers and Sons: On Andrey Zvyagintsev’s THE RETURN

As a film about fathers and their sons, The Return is about the difficulty certain men have expressing love for one another.

Another Round, & Other Movies To Drink To
Another Round, & Other Movies To Drink To

With Another Round scoring an Academy Award, Sean Fallon with Film Inquiry reflects on some other great drinking movies.

Celebrating Hair And Makeup, The Best Oscars Category
Celebrating Hair And Makeup, The Best Oscars Category

The makeup and hairstyling Oscar is refreshingly simple, concerned with how well artists can transform actors physically to suit their roles.

The Difference Between Sound Editing And Mixing
The Difference Between Sound Editing And Mixing

Sound design, despite being one of the most important elements of filmmaking, is one of the most misunderstood. We break down the difference.

The Mistress of Suspense Strikes Again! Interview With Writer And Director Lou Simon Of AGORAPHOBIA

The Mistress of Suspense Strikes Again! Interview With Writer And Director Lou Simon Of AGORAPHOBIA

Film Inquiry interviews writer and director Lou Simon about finally getting her film Agoraphobia released after a “David vs Goliath” lawsuit.

MEMORIES OF MURDER Criterion Review: Bong Joon-Ho's Masterpiece, Restored
MEMORIES OF MURDER Criterion Review: Bong Joon-Ho’s Masterpiece, Restored

Criterion’s upcoming edition of Memories of Murder comes highly recommended to both fans of the film and new viewers alike.

KING KONG Gave Me A Primal Crush On Adrien Brody
KING KONG Gave Me A Primal Crush On Adrien Brody

Despite the star power, it’s Adrien Brody, playing the sad, mopey playwright Jack Driscoll, that outshines them all.

GODZILLA 4K Blu-Ray Review: A Gargantuan Spectacle
GODZILLA 4K Blu-Ray Review: A Gargantuan Spectacle

Warner Bros. prepared the release of the first film in the MonsterVerse, Gareth Edwards’ Godzilla, on the 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray format.

WONDER WOMAN 1984 4K Blu-Ray Review: An Apex Predator
WONDER WOMAN 1984 4K Blu-Ray Review: An Apex Predator

Warner Bros. has finally made Wonder Woman 1984 available physically on Blu-Ray, and franchise fans should be pleased with the results.

Bigotry And Hypocrisy In John Abraham's DONKEY IN A BRAHMIN VILLAGE
Bigotry And Hypocrisy In John Abraham’s DONKEY IN A BRAHMIN VILLAGE

Donkey in a Brahmin Village is deserving of its cult status in Indian cinema as it dared to expose the hideous aspects of religion and society.

WATCHMEN, The Movie: Why, God, Why?
WATCHMEN, The Movie: Why, God, Why?

Whether you’re looking for ethical complexity or fascinating character studies, you won’t find it in Watchmen.

7 Categories The Academy Awards Should Consider
7 Categories The Academy Awards Should Consider

Clement Tyler Obropta looks at the need for diversity and inclusion within the Academy Awards through seven new categories the Oscars should consider.