
Director Quentin Tarantino has hit our movie screens with violence, gore, action and thrills. His work creates controversy, and it is those controversial aspects that make him stand out as one of the best leading directors in the world of film. With his new film The Hateful Eight scheduled to be released at the end of this year, we cannot wait to see what the quirky director and writer comes up with next.

For as long as film has been made, it has been dominated by men, both in its making and on the screen itself. In the beginning we could’ve blamed this inequality on the views of the day. Then we could have blamed it on a societal hangover; views on women as equal to men had only recently changed, and representations hadn’t quite caught up.

While the BAFTAs (British Academy of Film and Television Awards) are always somewhat overshadowed by their glitzier, Yankier cousins, they still remain the biggest night of the year for British cinema, for better or worse. Nearly 5 million viewers watched wins for Eddie Redmayne, Julianne Moore, Wes Anderson and others on Sunday’s televised ceremony, where Boyhood picked up the Best Film prize. Look here for a complete list of winners – we’ll take a look at the night’s biggest talking points.

From ideation to financing, distribution to production, the movie industry is just that, an industry. Let’s take a peek behind the projectors and movie screens at all facets of the films, and the people behind them, that we love. In this new bi-weekly series, we’ll share interesting links for your reading pleasure.

At some point in life, everybody does something brave. Whether it’s as big as rescuing somebody from a burning building or just standing up to the bullies who have taken their lunch money, it’s these moments of courage that continue to define them as a person. In every single movie he’s in, Nicolas Cage has a moment of courage that elevates whatever straight-to-DVD mess he’s in from something mediocre into something slightly less mediocre.