
How to Analyse Movies #4: Considering The Camera - Requiem for a Dream
Infographic: Drugs in Film

Last month Film Inquiry contributor Rachael Sampson reviewed The New York Film Academy’s newly released infographic exploring gender representation in cinema. In addition to this infographic, the NYFA also published statistics on the portrayal of drugs in movies from 1894 to 2014 for us to review. I’ve always been interested in how society’s feelings towards something considered more ‘taboo’ like drugs is mirrored, if at all, in pop culture, especially in the context of film.

Second (Or Third) Time Around: 10 Superior Sequels

With 2015’s blockbuster season kicking off with two box office smashing sequels in Fast & Furious 7 and The Avengers: Age of Ultron, the film industry now, more than ever, lies at the behest of the big-budget follow-up. Star Wars:

Smiley Face stoner
Where Are All The Female Stoner Films?

Stoner movies aren’t really the best education on weed culture, I’ll be honest with you. If you learnt everything about toking up from watching comedies like Pineapple Express (2008) and This is the End (2013), you know that men like to get really high. They roll up joints and blunts, take plenty of hits on bongs and bowls, and order in family-size pizzas.

One Fine Day romantic comedies
The 10 Greatest Romantic Comedies: You Can’t Start A Fire Without A Spark

There are those people who turn their noses up at the romantic comedy. They see it as a silly kind of film designed to entertain a delusional audience. I am not one of those people.

Are Film Festivals A Scam?

Independent filmmakers spend a lot of time and money applying to film festivals. With each passing year, the number of competitive film festivals seems to grow almost exponentially. And with submission platforms like Withoutabox.

Is The Nymphet Wrongly Held Accountable In The Age-Gap Film?

In cinema, age-gap relationships have been forever on display, from Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall to those seen throughout Woody Allen’s cinematic adventures (including his most recent Magic in the Moonlight). The age-gap relationship often takes the form of an older man and a younger girl, though there are the exceptions (take a look at The Graduate). Aside from the problematic conventions of the leading men ageing and the women remaining youthful in looks and spirit, the age-gap film poses questions about sexuality that mainstream Hollywood often shies away from.

Fun Time VHS Bonanza #2: Bibleman!

First, there was Batman. Then, there was Birdman. One caused the demand for gritty comic-book movies to skyrocket.

Infographic: Gender Inequality in Cinema

The New York Film Academy have kindly asked for Film Inquiry to discuss and respond to their new infographics. With one of their topics being on gender inequality in cinema (seen below and also found here), I was instantly drawn to writing this article because the issue is very close to my heart, alongside the fact that I would like to go into the cinematic industry when I am older. Will my gender affect my chances of having a job in this male-dominated industry?

The Oscars and Show Business Movies: A Love Story

Birdman was the big winner at the 87th Academy Awards, tying for most awards won and also taking home two of the biggest awards: Best Picture and Best Director. That it won Best Picture shouldn’t have been a surprise, especially given the Academy’s recent track record.

Links, Camera, Action Vol. 5: Savvy a Sequel?

From ideation to financing, distribution to production, the movie industry is just that, an industry. Let’s take a peek behind the projectors and movie screens at all facets of the films, and the people behind them, that we love. Let’s take another look at some of our favorite movies.

Wolf Creek Australia
Australian Cinema in 10 Films

Australia’s film industry has always been a little unstable. From the decline of Australian-made films in the inter-war period to the increased arts funding by the liberal government of John Gorton, the industry seems to travel in peaks and troughs much more than the American industry. Indeed, the fierce competition from American-made movies no doubt contributes to the infrequency of big-selling Aussie flicks.

A Franchise-Free List Of The 10 Films You Need To Look Out For In 2015

“Excuse me,” I hear you say, “I know exactly which films I need to see in 2015.” You’ve no doubt been bombarded with teasers and trailers by now, and you wait with baited breath for… which franchise is it?

Doodlebug short film
Links, Camera, Action Vol. 4: Who Directs Short Shorts?

From ideation to financing, distribution to production, the movie industry is just that, an industry. Let’s take a peek behind the projectors and movie screens at all facets of the films, and the people behind them, that we love. Let me direct your attention to these wonderful shorts.

Leonard Nimoy
Remembering Leonard Nimoy

The passing of a film icon always hits me hard. Mostly because of the realization that actors are as human as the rest of us; knowing that I’ll never have the chance to meet him in person or see him in another movie. Leonard Nimoy started his performance career at the age of 20, but did not become truly recognizable until 1966, when his portrayal of the half-human, half-Vulcan science officer on Star Trek put him on the map.

Inception quality film
Wheat vs. Chaff: 10 Elements of Quality Film

From the tiniest blog to the inked pages of Empire magazine, society’s devotion to film coverage highlights just how deeply moving pictures resonate in modern culture. It’s why you’re here reading this very article right now. The finances back it up too.