
I’m currently in the middle of binge-watching the Kevin Spacey/David Fincher created series House Of Cards on Netflix, and it really is something special. Being an avid movie fan, a character-driven plot is almost unheard of nowadays in the film industry (unless you’re the late Anthony Minghella: see here and here.

I flipped the final page of Andy Weir’s “The Martian” a couple of weeks ago. Thousands of other people have done the exact same thing since, and we all had similar motivations. I didn’t do it because I had heard good things about the book (at least, that was not the primary reason); rather, I did it because Ridley Scott’s adaptation of the book will be released in theaters this October.

What inspired me to begin this series was actually the knowledge that Harper Lee, the author of To Kill A Mockingbird, was going to be releasing a new novel called Go Set a Watchmen. As I had remembered being fond of Lee’s writing, I was planning to read it. (I still have not, but am hoping to get to it after this).