
Gimme Shelter: The Role Of Churches In Film
Gimme Shelter: The Role Of Churches In Film

I’ve been fascinated by the number of times film makers take us into a church setting. The question is why do this? Whether bathed in the light of stained glass or under the gaze of a crucifix, there must be a method or reasoning behind this decision.

Fighting For Equality Behind The Scenes: An Interview With Amy Adrion, Director of HALF THE PICTURE
Fighting For Equality Behind The Scenes: An Interview With Amy Adrion, Director of HALF THE PICTURE

Amy Adrion shared her insights on gender inequality in the film industry and how we can create change for women in Hollywood.

Profile: John C. Reilly
Profile: John C. Reilly

John C. Reilly has surprised me for years. His range is astounding, and watching him effortlessly go from dramatic roles to silly comedies has been a treat. Yet his talent doesn’t stop with acting.

"She Breathes Through Her Skin": The Costume Design Of The So-Called Strong Female Character
The Problematic Costume Design For The Strong Female Character

What is not my definition of a strong female character is throwing together an overly sexualised outfit for a female actress and giving her a gun and some one-liners and then declaring that “sexism is over”.

GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE & The Duality Of Guilty Pleasures
GHOST RIDER: SPIRIT OF VENGEANCE & The Duality Of Guilty Pleasures

Halloween has come to an end, but some scary things follow us all year. One of them is our guilty pleasures. No matter how critical a film enthusiast can be, there will always be that bad film that is difficult not to love.

Online Premiere: THESE THINGS NEVER LAST & Interview With Filmmaker Charlie Gillette
Online Premiere: THESE THINGS NEVER LAST & Interview With Filmmaker Charlie Gillette

Made while studying at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (in Cardiff, Wales) Charlie Gillette and Jack Archer’s film, These Things Never Last, is inspired by the all to scary political zeitgeist. While we have moved leaps and bounds in terms of rights and justice for people of both sexes, all races, and the widening range of sexualities and gender identifiers, a great pool of bigotry remains. This bigotry is cloaked in ideas about job security for our nations, concern over rising crime, and raised taxes.

Dealing With The Darker Side Of The Gunslinger: Interview With GUNHAND Director Rey Agaoglu & DP David Van Der Meijde
Dealing With The Darker Side Of The Gunslinger: Interview With GUNHAND Director Rey Agaoglu & DP David Van Der Meijde

Recently, the crowdfunding campaign of an upcoming Western called Gunhand was pointed out to me. I was very impressed: production values look amazing, and the story sounds promising.

Film Inquiry's Best Articles Of October 2016
Film Inquiry’s Best Articles Of October 2016

And just like that, it’s November 2016! How was your Halloween? We had a great time celebrating it on Film Inquiry this year, we recounted the films we love to watch most during the season, and published a great list of foreign horror films.

A Cinematic Universe Of Imitations
A Cinematic Universe Of Imitations

A “Cinematic Universe” is a modern concept of establishing an ever-expanding franchise. Some consider Marvel Studios to be the modern trendsetter. Their films build up the franchise with standalone entries, until the moment that they cross over.


Sure, we’ve all heard the rumours: topping the critics’ pick of the flicks for this century, hell, this millennium so far, is David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. But what exactly happened up in the darkness of those famous hills, on those enticing yet savage switchbacks?

10 Great Horror Movies From Around the World Part 2
10 Great Horror Films From Around The World Part 3

Film is one of the best artistic mediums because it’s always growing; it speaks every language, and every place in the world has their iteration as to what’s scary, twisted, weird or just downright bizarre. Different countries offer different interpretations of horror, from China where vampires hop to Korean Shaman. They don’t wave crosses, nor do they compel the power of Christ upon anyone, but just don’t fall in love with Isabelle Adjani.

Film Inquiry's Films Of Halloween
Film Inquiry’s Films Of Halloween

Halloween – the season of ghouls, screams and tricks or treats. It’s the time of year when scares of all kinds are acceptable and even welcomed. We become the creatures of the night, in search for something to satisfy our yearly holiday craving.

When One Movie Screen Becomes Three: A Profile Of Barco Escape & STAR TREK BEYOND
When One Movie Screen Becomes Three: A Profile Of Barco Escape & STAR TREK BEYOND

Belgian firm Barco recently made a move to present a new large-format viewing experience, alongside theater-chain in-house offerings, like Regal’s RPX premium experience, AMC Prime, Cinemark XD, and industry stalwarts like IMAX and RealD 3D. The Escape format uses three screens, with a center screen flat and straight ahead, like any conventional theater – the twist is the two side screens, angled, creating a viewing experience that gives the appearance of wrapping around the audience – a 270 degree panorama. With VR emerging on the scene right now, exhibitors will be looking for ways to provide new and different immersive viewing experiences.

"You Have To Get Dirty:" Independent Filmmaker Nick DeRuve's Long Road To Toronto
“You Have To Get Dirty:” Independent Filmmaker Nick DeRuve’s Long Road To Toronto

Six foot plus, Nick DeRuve looks a movie star. And although he’s done some acting, it’s on the other side of camera, as a screenwriter and director, that the young filmmaker is intent on making his mark. It’s been a long road for DeRuve, from Schenectady, in upstate New York, to LA, and longer still to Toronto, where his movie The Runaway was recently screened.

Surrealist Cinema: 100 Years Of Psychedelia

There is one movement cinephiles can thank for heroin addicts sinking into carpets and rose petals exploding from cheerleader’s chests: Surrealism. Not only has the movement influenced some of the most iconic films to date like Trainspotting and American Beauty, throughout the last century surrealism has completely turned cinema on its head; creating a new wave of film that drags reality into the world of insanity.