
All the Same: Violence & The Western Anti-Hero In LOGAN
All The Same: Violence & The Western Anti-Hero In LOGAN

Logan serves up the classic Western anti-hero in the realm of a dystopia, spinning the myth around while also keeping its machismo intact.

The Nominated Film You May Have Missed: WINTER'S BONE
The Nominated Film You May Have Missed: WINTER’S BONE

Not only the birth of star Jennifer Lawrence, Winter’s Bone is also a gritty, eagerly grim look at small-town, poverty-stricken America.

Interview With FREE FIRE Director Ben Wheatley
Interview With FREE FIRE Director Ben Wheatley

Ben Wheatley’s new film FREE FIRE is out today and we spoke with him about the film, his filmography, and the extreme violence in his films.

Dinner With Dames: Dinner #7, With Zoë Bell (Recap)
Dinner With Dames: Dinner #7, With Zoë Bell (Recap)

For Dinner With Dames #7 Cinefemme gathered a group of female filmmakers to dine with Zoë Bell, actor, stuntperson and director.

Animated Sequels: Can They Really Compete?
Animated Sequels: Can They Really Compete?

Exploring the role of animated sequels such as Toy Story and Trolls as either worthwhile tales or money making schemes.

Casey Neistat
Do What You Can’t: YouTube Filmmaking & Casey Neistat

Casey Neistat is raising the bar of YouTube filmmaking, leading a new generation of creators that are democratizing the process of filmmaking.

ALIEN: COVENANT & The Problem With Prequels
ALIEN: COVENANT & The Problem With Prequels

The original Alien left many questions unanswered, which upcoming prequels will address. But do we even need those questions answered?

Actors As Auteurs: Making Room For Other Collaborators In Film Authorship
Actors As Auteurs: Making Room For Other Collaborators In Film Authorship

It’s time we opened up auteur theory to include more than the director; actors leave unique marks on their films, and deserve our critical attention.

"If We Build It, They Will Come:" Looking Toward This Month's Women's Media Summit With Filmmaker & Activist, Maria Giese
“If We Build It, They Will Come:” Looking Toward This Month’s Women’s Media Summit With Filmmaker & Activist, Maria Giese

We spoke with director & activist Maria Giese about the incredible organizational efforts behind the Women’s Media Summit, taking place 31 March – 2 April.

How The DIVERGENT Series Helped Me Accept My Identity
How The DIVERGENT Series Helped Me Understand My Identity

In this very personal feature, Zachary Kennedy explains how the Divergent series helped him understand his sexual identity: instead of belonging to one “faction”, he belongs to more.

Feminist Disney: Emma Watson as Belle
Feminist Disney: Emma Watson As Belle

Disney smartly cast Emma Watson as Belle in Beauty & The Beast; we explore the similarities between the feminist actress and character.

BLAIR WITCH: An Exercise In Home Invasion Horror
BLAIR WITCH: An Exercise In Home Invasion Horror

Today, we analyse Blair Witch, Adam Wingard’s influences and how he applied the horror concept of home invasion on a film set in a forest.


Our latest “In Defense Of” is The Lost World, the Jurassic Park movie that has typically been overshadowed by its masterful predecessor.

Sculptures in Time Pt. IV: Tarkovsky's THE MIRROR
Sculptures in Time Pt. IV: Tarkovsky’s THE MIRROR

The next in our Sculptures in Time series about Andrei Tarkovsky’s films is The Mirror, a film very autobiographical and surreal in nature.

Jacob Burns Film Center's Creative Culture Program: An Experiment In Filmmaking & Interconnectedness
Jacob Burns Film Center’s Creative Culture Program: An Experiment In Filmmaking & Interconnectedness

Creative Culture is the Jacob Burns Film Center’s (NY) educational program. We watched the fellows’ films and interviewed the program director.