
LOSING SIGHT OF SHORE: An Interview With Director/Producer Sarah Moshman
LOSING SIGHT OF SHORE: An Interview With Director/Producer Sarah Moshman

We spoke with Sarah Moshman about her latest documentary, Losing Sight of Shore, which is now available on Netflix.

THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS: Why "The Lambs" Won't Stop Screaming
THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBS: Why “The Lambs” Won’t Stop Screaming

Although before production considered “too lurid and disgusting”, The Silence of the Lambs is still highly influential to this day. Here are ten reasons why.

THE BEFORE TRILOGY: The Criterion Collection Of A Collective Masterpiece
THE BEFORE TRILOGY: The Criterion Collection Of A Collective Masterpiece

The Before Trilogy combines the films from Richard Linklater that inspired an entire generation of filmmakers in the decades that followed.

Disney Remakes: The Collapse Of Creativity For The Sake Of Nostalgia
Disney Remakes: The Collapse Of Creativity For The Sake Of Nostalgia

Choosing nostalgia over creativity, we explore the successes and pitfalls of Disney and their continuing trend of live-action remakes.

Interview With Julian Grant, Author Of THE CINEMA 2.0 MANIFESTO

Film to some is much more than a hobby, but a lifestyle. Sometimes it can…

Interview With San Francisco International Film Festival Programmer Rod Armstrong
Interview With Rod Armstrong, San Francisco International Film Festival Programmer

Film Inquiry writer Arlin Golden had a chance to talk with Rod Armstrong, a programmer of the San Francisco International Film Festival.

Created Equal: A Milestone Program For The Tuned-In Generation (& Interview With Jacob Burns' Director Of Education)
Created Equal: A Milestone Program For The Tuned-In Generation (& Interview With Jacob Burns’ Director Of Education)

We had a chance to talk with Emily Keating, the Director of Education for Created Equal, a civil rights and film program for kids in Brooklyn.

Tribeca Film Festival: Oppression, Fear and Freedom Dominate in DISOBEDIENCE, LEMONADE, THE GIRL AND THE PICTURE and NICE
Tribeca Retrospective: The 25th Anniversary Of RESERVOIR DOGS With Panel

With the festival entering its final day, and my screenings complete, I thought my time…

A Not So Subtle Feminist Tale: THE VIRGIN SUICIDES
A Not So Subtle Feminist Tale: THE VIRGIN SUICIDES

Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides is a film about five sisters that is often dismal and dark, yet it also conveys powerful feminist themes.

DONNIE DARKO 15th Anniversary: The Themes Of A Cult Classic
DONNIE DARKO 15th Anniversary: The Themes Of A Cult Classic

We celebrate Donnie Darko’s 15th anniversary by reconsidering some of its themes, which are simpler than the movie makes it seem.

The Days Before MOONLIGHT: A Dip into Barry Jenkins' Vimeo
The Days Before MOONLIGHT: A Dip Into Barry Jenkins’ Vimeo

Barry Jenkins’ work before Moonlight is freely available on his Vimeo account, and we’re taking a deep dive into his terrific work.

Dinner With Dames: Dinner #8, With Paul Feig (Recap)
Dinner With Dames: Dinner #8, With Paul Feig (Recap)

For Dinner With Dames #8 Cinefemme gathered a group of female filmmakers to dine with Paul Feig, writer/director of Ghostbusters and Spy.

What Makes A Comic Book Movie Artful?
What Makes A Comic Book Movie Artful?

The comic book movie has become the biggest targets for criticism, but some of them still remain artful. We compare six superhero films.

A Summer Box Office Forecast – Part 1

In the first of a series for 2017, we take a run-down through the box office potential of several high-profile summer movies.

Career Cancer Or Master-Pisces? ZODIAC Gets The Take Two Treatment
Career Cancer Or Master-Pisces? ZODIAC Gets The Take Two Treatment

In this new series, Robb Sheppard looks back on films he hated in the past to give them a second chance. In the first episode: Fincher’s ZODIAC.