
Sundance London Day Two: A Critic’s Diary

Alistair Ryder attended Sundance London and saw Icarus, Marjorie Prime and A Ghost Story and shares his thoughts!

Should Disney Give Into Hackers In Possession of PIRATES 5? Honestly, no.
Should Disney Give Into Hackers In Possession of PIRATES 5? Honestly, No.

Nathan Osborne discusses the benefits and theories surrounding his support for Disney’s stand on piracy and hackers.

Sundance London, Day One: A Critic’s Diary

Film Inquiry writer Alistair Ryder shares his experiences of his first day at Sundance London, and the four films he was able to see.

LGBTQ Cinema: The Perils Of Coding
LGBTQ Cinema: The Perils Of Queer-Coding

Lately, studios have made a lot of fuss about the supposedly “openly gay” characters in their films. This article is on why queer-coding is harmful.

Thriller In Vanilla Or Red Sky In The Morning? Crowe's VANILLA SKY Gets The Take Two Treatment
Thriller In Vanilla Or Red Sky In The Morning? Crowe’s VANILLA SKY Gets The Take Two Treatment

In the next of our Take Two series, we tackle Cameron Crowe’s Vanilla Sky, which may not be quite as remarkable as initially remembered.

WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO BABY JANE?: The Movie That Made Bette Davis & Joan Crawford Lifelong Foes

Joan Crawford & Bette Davis’ feud is one of classic Hollywood legend; we look at What Ever Happened To Baby Jane and how they became rivals.

THE GODFATHER: An Italian-American's Movie Experience
THE GODFATHER: An Italian American’s Movie Experience

Michelle Sabato, an Italian American herself, takes a closer look at The Godfather, and what “family” means to Italian Americans.

Are Remakes All That Bad? The Six Levels Of Remake Hell
Are Remakes All That Bad? The Six Levels Of Remake Hell

Not all remakes are created equally. While many can be terrible some can excel. Here Zac Hestand presents the six levels of remake hell.

Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Adaptations
Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Adaptations

The Film Inquiry team discusses their favorite film adaptations, whether they’reb ased on books, comics, plays or short stories! Share your favorite adaptations in the comments.

James Mangold, Hugh Jackman & Hutch Parker Discuss The Making Of LOGAN Noir
James Mangold, Hugh Jackman & Hutch Parker Discuss The Making Of LOGAN NOIR

At the Alamo Drafthouse screening of Logan Noir, James Mangold, Hugh Jackman & Hutch Parker discussed the special edition of the film.

Low Cost, High Quality: Peter Stray, Craig Russell & Marc Price Talk CANARIES
Low Cost, High Quality: Peter Stray, Craig Russell & Marc Price Talk CANARIES

We spoke with filmmakers Peter Stray, Craig Russell and Mark Price about their latest project, the very low budget sci-fi thriller CANARIES.

Sculptures in Time Pt. V: Tarkovsky’s STALKER

Andrei Tarkovsky’s Stalker is ripe with philosophical connotations; here, we discuss some of the film’s more prominent ideas.

Ridgefield Independent Film Festival: An Interview With Festival Co-Director, Sean Murphy
Ridgefield Independent Film Festival: An Interview With Festival Co-Director, Sean Murphy

Sophia Cowley spoke with Sean Murphy, co-director of the Ridgefield Independent Film Festival in Ridgefield, Connecticut.

OUT OF THE PAST's 70th Anniversary: A Seering, Seminal Study Of The Femme Fatale
OUT OF THE PAST’s 70th Anniversary: A Searing, Seminal Study Of The Femme Fatale

In Out of the Past (1947), we get to witness Kathie Moffatt’s moral degeneration and final morphing into the femme fatale of the story.

RUSHMORE: Economic Class Struggles & Secrets In The Neo-Screwball Genre
RUSHMORE: Economic Class Struggles & Secrets In The Neo-Screwball Genre

Rushmore is a film that employs screwball comedy conventions, helping to create an interesting combination of genres.