
Jacob Burns Film Center Celebrates Jonathan Demme With A Nationwide Screening Of STOP MAKING SENSE

We spoke with Andrew Jupin, who is planning a screening of Stop Making Sense at The Jacob Burns Film Center in honor of Jonathan Demme.

Interview With Edda Manriquez, Director Of The Les Femmes Undergound International Film Festival
Interview With Edda Manriquez, Director Of The Les Femmes Undergound International Film Festival

We were able to talk with Edda Manriquez, the organizer of the female-empowering Les Femmes Underground International Film Festival.

The Films Are Alright: In Defense of Franchise Filmmaking
The Films Are Alright: In Defense of Franchise Filmmaking

Franchise filmmaking is, in contrast to what journalists have been saying, far from a destroyer of movies as we know it: here’s why.

THE HANDMAID'S TALE Could Be Better Than Any Sci-Fi Film In 2017
THE HANDMAID’S TALE Could Be Better Than Any Sci-Fi Film In 2017

Matthew St. Clair discusses the soul of classic science fiction films captured in this years break out hit The Handmaid’s Tale.

Our Batman: How Adam West Took On Pop Culture
Our Batman: How Adam West Took On Pop Culture

Jacqui Griffin remembers the late Adam West – the heroic, wacky and nostalgic actor whose career and look-on-life transcended generations.

DONNIE DARKO: Third Theatrical Time Is An Unwavering Charm
DONNIE DARKO: Third Theatrical Time Is An Unwavering Charm

Alex Arabian discusses Donnie Darko, a masterpiece that remains one of the most relevant, urgent and timely films of the last 50 years.

Take Two: The Beautiful Nightmare That Is David Lynch's ERASERHEAD
Take Two: The Beautiful Nightmare That Is David Lynch’s ERASERHEAD

Our next installment of Take Two sees us examine David Lynch’s divisive debut feature about strange dreams and deformed children: Eraserhead.

Interview With Matt Schrader On The Making Of SCORE: A FILM MUSIC DOCUMENTARY

We had the chance to speak with director Matt Schrader about the making of his upcoming documentary Score: A Film Music Documentary, a film any film nerd should see.

When A Sequel Is Better Than The Original: The 7 Categories Of Movie Sequels
When A Sequel Is Better Than The Original: The 7 Categories Of Movie Sequels

Movie sequels come in many flavors and forms; here is a rough categorization of seven different types that have developed through the years.

When Dating Goes South: An Interview With RUN FOR YOUR LIFE Web-Series Director, Martha Williams
When Dating Goes South: An Interview With RUN FOR YOUR LIFE Web-Series Director, Martha Williams

We were able to talk with Martha Williams, the creator of a web series called Run For Your Life, dealing with the subject of modern dating.

Real Monsters: COLOSSAL & The Portrayal Of Patterns Of Abuse
Real Monsters: COLOSSAL & The Portrayal Of Patterns Of Abuse

Colossal is unflinching in presenting the dangers of toxic masculinity and patterns of abuse in a way very few recent American films have been, lately or ever.

"Moscow Is A Prison... But We Love It." An Interview With Johnny O'Reilly, Director Of MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS
“Moscow Is A Prison… But We Love It.” An Interview With Johnny O’Reilly, Director Of MOSCOW NEVER SLEEPS

We had a chance to talk with Johnny O’Reilly, director of the upcoming drama Moscow Never Sleeps, a film that’s very politically relevant.

Nadja Bobyleva Discusses Her First Foray Into Horror With CAMERA OBSCURA
Nadja Bobyleva Discusses Her First Foray Into Horror With CAMERA OBSCURA

In this interview with Camera Obscura actress Nadja Bobyleva, we discuss what’s different about playing in a horror film over other genres.

"Millions Of Pictures To Tell One Story:" Interview With EKAJ Director Cati Gonzalez
“Millions Of Pictures To Tell One Story:” Interview With EKAJ Director Cati Gonzalez

EKAJ teaches us about the turbulent lives of LGBTQ youth – we spoke with first time director & professional photographer Cati Gonzalez.

MIDNIGHT SPECIAL As A Superman Origin Story
MIDNIGHT SPECIAL As A Superman Origin Story

By the talented Jeff Nichols, Midnight Special is similar to the comic hero Superman, documenting how he would be depicted in the real world.