
Save MOTHER!, Please
Save MOTHER!, Please

mother!, Darren Aranofsky’s polarizing film, is doing poorly at the box office – just what does that mean for the future of studios?

Dinner With Dames #10, With Byron Willinger (Recap)
Dinner With Dames #10, With Byron Willinger (Recap)

For Dinner With Dames #10, Cinefemme gathered a group of women filmmakers to dine with Byron Willinger, writer of The Commuter.

Harry Potter Should Have Been a Television Series
HARRY POTTER Should Have Been A Television Series

The film adaptations only scratched the surface of JK Rowling’s world- the Harry Potter franchise needs a Game of Thrones style TV reboot.

Are All Rip-Offs Terrible? The Six Levels Of Rip-Off Hell
Are All Rip-Offs Terrible? The Six Levels Of Rip-Off Hell

Not all recycled ideas are created equally – many can be terrible, while some can excel. Here Zac Hestand presents the six levels of Rip-offs.

Interview With Contemporary Arab Cinema Series Programmer, Lina Matta
Jacob Burns Film Center Announces Line-Up For Contemporary Arab Cinema: An Interview With Series Programmer, Lina Matta

We talked with Jacob Burns Film Center programmer Lina Matta, who discusses the latest line-up for their Contemporary Arab Cinema series.

Interview With THE FORCE Director Peter Nicks
“How Could A Department Fail So Horribly But Also Be Making Progress At The Same Time?” Interview With THE FORCE Director Peter Nicks

Arlin Golden spoke with THE FORCE director Peter Nicks about Oakland Police Department, and everything that’s wrong and right with American police.

Playing The Real Part: Acting In A Biographical Film
Acting In A Biographical Film: Playing The Real Part

Portraying a real figure is often considered easier than acting as a fictional character, but these examples prove that’s a misconception.

The Nominated Film You Might Have Missed: SAVING PRIVATE RYAN
The Nominated Film You Might Have Missed: SAVING PRIVATE RYAN

In our latest entry of The Nominated Film You May Have Missed series, we discuss the 1998 War drama Saving Private Ryan.

WONDER WOMAN Missed A Huge Opportunity
WONDER WOMAN Missed A Huge Opportunity

While much of Wonder Woman was a success, the last ten minutes of the film became a lost opportunity for stronger and deeper meaning.

Noah Hawley's FARGO & The Gospel Of The Coen Brothers
Noah Hawley’s FARGO & The Gospel Of The Coen Brothers

Taking direct inspiration from the Coen brothers’ films, Noah Hawley’s Fargo is an exemplary summation of their absurdist philosophy.

Staff Inquiry: Director's Cinematic Worlds We Want To Inhabit
Staff Inquiry: Director’s Cinematic Worlds We Want To Inhabit

In our latest collaboration, we discuss cinematic worlds we want to live in, ranging from John Ford’s Westerns to Jacques Demy’s musicals.

Interview With PILGRIMAGE Director Brendan Muldowney
Interview With PILGRIMAGE Director Brendan Muldowney

We were able to talk to Brendan Muldowney, director of the Irish medieval film Pilgrimage, starring Tom Holland.

Interview With GOD'S OWN COUNTRY Director Francis Lee
Interview With GOD’S OWN COUNTRY Director Francis Lee

We were able to sit down and talk with Francis Lee, director of the acclaimed upcoming British drama God’s Own Country.

The Truth About Pesticides - An Interview With CIRCLE OF POISON Director Evan Mascagni
The Truth About Pesticides – An Interview With CIRCLE OF POISON Director Evan Mascagni

Evan Mascagni is a former lawyer with a passion for righting the wrongs in the food industry. He talked to FI about his latest documentary.

Honouring The Power Of Scores Following DUNKIRK
Honouring The Power Of Scores Following DUNKIRK

The real power of scores is the intensity of feeling, the nostalgia of remembering, and (above all) the way it cements a film’s legacy.