
Paul Haggis
Exclusive Interview With Paul Haggis, Honoree Of Mallorca International Film Festival

Alex Arabian spoke with Paul Haggis, writer of Oscar winning films such as Crash and Million Dollar Baby, and honoree of EMIFF.

The Dawning Of A New Age In Horror: SAW
The Dawning Of A New Age In Horror: SAW

Premiering back in 2004, Saw is a landmark horror film, launching a multitude of sequels in addition to an entire sub-genre of horror.

Celebrating A Fun & Murderous Experience: HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES
Celebrating A Fun & Murderous Experience: HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES

We look back at House of 1000 Corpses, Rob Zombie’s brutal directorial debut that has since become a cult film in the horror world.

Sogno Italiano: The Art Of The Dream In Italian Film
Sogno Italiano: The Art Of The Dream In Italian Film

Hollywood is not the only city to leave a lasting mark on the world of…

TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN: The Past Determines The Future
TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN: The Past Determines The Future

We analyze some of the interpretations of Twin Peaks: The Return, the dreamlike sequel series to David Lynch’s early ’90s TV show.

The Dangers Of Nostalgia
The Dangers Of Nostalgia

Nostalgia is fine when it comes to the entertainment we love, but it can also have unseen dangers, especially in our current digital age.

Meeting Your Maker: BLADE RUNNER 2049's Existential Burdens
Meeting Your Maker: BLADE RUNNER 2049’s Existential Burdens

With Blade Runner 2049 opening in cinemas this Friday, we ruminate on the themes of existentialism the trailer and short film have promised.

The Lost Action Hero: The Cult Of BUCKAROO BANZAI
The Lost Action Hero: The Cult Of BUCKAROO BANZAI

Premiering back in 1984, Buckaroo Banzai has long been a prized cult classic, though perhaps one that is lesser-known in the wider world.

Tom Hughes Gets Candid About REALIVE, Its Themes & His Career
Tom Hughes Gets Candid About REALIVE, Its Themes & His Career

Alex Arabian spoke with Tom Hughes about new film REALIVE, his excitement about the film, and his desire to keep finding challenging roles.

Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Years Of Cinema
Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Years Of Cinema

Our latest Staff Inquiry deals with our favorite years in cinema, and our picks ranged from classic Hollywood to more modern day.

JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2: What Action Films Should Be
JOHN WICK: The Irony & Toll Of Being A Badass

The John Wick films pose challenging questions about the nature of violence and the type of men who are attracted to its endless cycle.

Aronofsky Or Turn It Off-ski - REQUIEM FOR A DREAM Gets The Take Two Treatment
Aronofsky Or Turn It Off-ski – REQUIEM FOR A DREAM Gets The Take Two Treatment

In the latest of our Take Two series, we tackle Requiem for a Dream, the drug-fueled nightmare that launched Darren Aronofsky into stardom.

STRONGER: An Interview With Jake Gyllenhaal
STRONGER: An Interview With Jake Gyllenhaal

Alex Arabian attended a private screening and Q&A of Stronger. This is the video and transcription of the interesting talk with Jake Gyllenhaal.

The Challenges of shooting M.I.A. A GREATER EVIL, in Thailand
The Challenges Of Shooting M.I.A. A GREATER EVIL In Thailand

Abishek Bajaj, director of M.I.A. A Greater Evil, shares his stories of shooting in the Thai jungle, which included unexpected visits of snakes, elephants and more.

Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin
“There’s Always Little Pockets Of Light, And I Think It’s Important To Tell Those Stories.” Interview With SCHOOL LIFE Director Neasa Ni Chianáin

Writer Arlin Golden sat down and talked with Neasa Ni Chianáin, director of the upcoming Irish documentary School Life.