
NICO, 1988: Interview With Director Susanna Nicchiarelli And Star Trine Dyrholm
NICO, 1988: Interview With Writer/Director Susanna Nicchiarelli & Star Trine Dyrholm

Former Velvet Underground singer Nico is the subject of a new warts-and-all biopic. We spoke with the movie’s director and star about the challenges of putting a notoriously difficult woman’s life on screen.

Jessica Barth On ALONG CAME THE DEVIL, Seth MacFarlane, Directing & Rivaling Tom Cruise With Her Own Stunts
Jessica Barth On ALONG CAME THE DEVIL, Seth MacFarlane, Directing & Rivaling Tom Cruise With Her Own Stunts

We were able to talk with Jessica Barth, star of the horror Along Came the Devil, about her awesome stunt work on Deadly Lessons and her great working relationship with Seth MacFarlane.

The Top Netflix Shows You Should Be Watching
The Top Netflix Shows You Should Be Watching

With a diverse breadth of content available at the click of a remote, Netflix continues its strong hold in the industry – leaving us to reap the benefits.

The Emotional Intelligence of Central Intelligence?
The Emotional Intelligence Of CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE

Beneath the surface of this 2016 action comedy are surprising examinations of sexual harassment, homophobia and bullying – is it worth a second look?

Interview With The Directing Team RKSS Of SUMMER OF 84
Interview With The Directing Team RKSS Of SUMMER OF 84

We spoke with directing team RKSS (François Simard, Anouk Whissell and Yoann-Karl Whissell) of Summer Of 84 about their favorite 80’s films, and the process of casting and creating the film.

Staff Inquiry: Favorite Musicals
Staff Inquiry: Favorite Musicals

Warm up your pipes and put on your dancing shoes, because this month’s staff inquiry…

Interview With Kelly Macdonald, Star Of PUZZLE
Interview With Kelly Macdonald, Star Of PUZZLE

We spoke with Kelly Macdonald about her newest film, Puzzle, the many intriguing different characters she’s played in the past, and her approach to acting.

Anthology Shows As Morality Plays
Anthology TV Shows As Morality Plays

The anthology format for TV is often the perfect forum to spread ideals about morality; here are a few shows that utilize this to the fullest.

Away from the Hype: THE INTERVIEW
Away from the Hype: THE INTERVIEW

The 2014 controversial political comedy The Interview had a lot of hype surrounding it: how has it held up?

Fantasy Science Pt. 10: Quantum Locking In DOCTOR WHO
Fantasy Science Pt. 10: Quantum Locking In DOCTOR WHO

Don’t blink. Seeing Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels petrifies them into statue form in a process referred to as quantum locking. How believable is this?

Revelation Perth International Film Festival 2018
Revelation Perth International Film Festival 2018

Alex Lines attended Revelation Perth International Film Festival 2018, reporting on the films he was able to see there, among them Ghost Stories and Our New President.


Midnight in Paris uses time travel to 1920’s Paris to deal with themes of nostalgia and the fallacy of Golden Age thinking.

The Quentin Tarantino Problem & ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD
The Quentin Tarantino Problem & ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD

Quentin Tarantino has become synonymous with his ability to portray villains as cool, ostensibly relatable people that you want to cheer for; here’s why that is problematic.

Dinner With Dames #16, With Peter Van Steemburg (Recap)
Dinner With Dames #16, With Peter Van Steemburg (Recap)

For Dinner With Dames #16, Cinefemme gathered a group of women filmmakers to dine with the night’s mentor, Peter Van Steemburg, Vice President of Acquisitions and Production at Universal Pictures

A Conversation With Writer and Producer, Willow Polson
A Conversation With Writer/Producer, Willow Polson

Willow Polson, creator of Vintage America with Ginger, talks to FI’s Jacqui Blue about her creative process and upcoming projects.