Michael Dougherty’s films sneakily inject themes of religion in the horror narrative. Danny Anderson takes a look at how two of his films subvert Christianity.
Writer/Actor Adam Seybold discusses his newest film, Deadsight, the nuances of acting in horror movies, and how horror cinema is having a cultural moment.
In his final installment examining Edgar Wright’s “Cornetto” Trilogy, Faisal al-Jadir looks back at the the trilogy’s return to anarchy with The World’s End.
LGBTQ+ fans want good stories about queer people, not the cop-out nonsense of Pitch Perfect 3 or wishy-washy garbage like Pitch Perfect and Pitch Perfect 2.
Whilst some of the standard-bearers for this era invite us to far-flung worlds, FX’s Pose takes us just 30 years into the past to discover New York’s ballroom scene.