
What A Fright For The Whites: Fear Of The Other In SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU?
What A Fright For The Whites: Fear Of The Other In SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU?

Clement Tyler Obropta explores whether or not Scooby-Doo promotes racist messaging, and how it uses xenophobic thinking to power a praxis of politics for propelling the narrative.

10 Great Horror Movies from Around the World Part 3
10 Great Horror Films from Around the World Part 4

In years past, I recommended great horror movies from around the world. Find part one…

How KAIRO Defined J-Horror And Made Japan's Demons Real
How KAIRO Defined J-Horror & Made Japan’s Demons Real

Kairo’s ghosts aren’t unearthly terrors, but rather memories of people lost, without names or faces, silently preparing themselves for an eternity of death.

The Last Seven Minutes of THE HORROR OF DRACULA Are the Best Horror Movie Ever Made
The Last Seven Minutes Of THE HORROR OF DRACULA Are The Best Horror Movie Ever Made

The Horror of Dracula is one of the greatest horror films of all time. Or the last seven minutes are, at any rate.

The Streaming Wars & The Apple TV+ Gamble
The Streaming Wars & The Apple TV+ Gamble

As we move into November, Disney+ and Apple TV+ are hounds baying at the door to our wallets. But how much potential do they really have to disrupt this streaming gold rush?

The Sting Of Death: JOKER And BONNIE & CLYDE
The Sting Of Death: JOKER And BONNIE & CLYDE

It’s possible that the great Pauline Kael might have liked Joker – Chris Cassingham compares it to another controversially violent film, Bonnie & Clyde.

A Pig's Gotta Fly: Revisiting The Hero Of PORCO ROSSO
A Pig’s Gotta Fly: Revisiting The Hero Of PORCO ROSSO

Porco Rosso is a film beaming with silliness and warmth, while also being tied and grounded in a particular human timeframe like very few Miyazaki movies can boast to have.

Sundance Film Festival 2020 Preview
Why Are Film Festivals So Expensive & Exclusive?

Film Festivals bring to audiences films that are powerful and necessary – so why are they all so exclusive?

How FARGO Succeeded Where STRANGER THINGS Failed
How FARGO Succeeded Where STRANGER THINGS Failed

When FX announced that they were moving forward with a television adaptation of the 1996…

Mental Illness In The Movies: THE END OF EVANGELION
Mental Illness In The Movies: THE END OF EVANGELION

Jack Godwin takes a look at the portrayal of mental illness in anime film The End of Evangelion.

FRANCES HA and How To Navigate Your 20s
FRANCES HA and How To Navigate Your 20s

Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach’s Frances Ha perfectly represents the complexities of your 20s. Read why the film is such an accurate portrait.

A Musically-Gifted, Cosmically-Ambiguous & Cinematically-Shot Case For HAPPY FEET
A Musically-Gifted, Cosmically-Ambiguous & Cinematically-Shot Case For HAPPY FEET

Find whatever long-forgotten, critically-panned even, piece of your childhood that made you who you are today. Find that movie.Find your Happy Feet.

Misanthropy At The Movies: How Is Cinema Confronting The Age Of Humanity's Self-Hatred
Misanthropy At The Movies: How Is Cinema Confronting The Age Of Humanity’s Self-Hatred

It is in this moment of burning worlds and a fading hope in humanity that cinema offers its hand. When the most empathetic of mediums loses its patience, it may be time to watch and listen.

A SERIOUS MAN At 10: A Prophetic Warning Against “Facts & Logic”

On its ten-year anniversary, The Coen Brother’s A Serious Man should serve as a cautionary tale for our world today. Read to find out more.

The Neglected Politicism of Yasujiro Ozu’s TOKYO STORY
The Neglected Politicism of Yasujiro Ozu’s TOKYO STORY

Released just one year after the end of the American occupation of Japan, Tokyo Story obliquely reflects on the changes that came over the country.