Even if audiences choose to return, will the festivals be there for them, or will we see a paradigmatic shift to these industry events lodging themselves online permanently?
Patrick Bateman represents the horrors of addiction, hedonism, narcissism and greed – and with a dose of humour, he’s a character that remains ingrained in our pop culture landscape.
When contrasted against the special designation conferred upon Final Girls, it seems apparent that the horror genre permits its mothers limited options.
By Xiaoyu Yang. When I decided to move from China to study an MFA program in filmmaking at the City College of New York, it was difficult to work in a milieu so different from my own heritage.
Why do we worry ourselves over scenarios that are literally millions of times less likely to happen than dying while doing activities like driving and eating?
What Lost Girls and The Frozen Ground share is the decision to depict a true crime involving one of the minorities most affected by serial killing: sex workers.