
Video Dispatches: Douglas Sirk, Film Noir, AN IDEAL PLACE TO KILL & DISTANT JOURNEY
Video Dispatches: Douglas Sirk, Film Noir, AN IDEAL PLACE TO KILL & DISTANT JOURNEY

Shawn Glinis continues his video dispatches with There’s Always Tomorrow, An Ideal Place to Kill, Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema IV and Distant Journey.

The Legacy Of The Caped Crusader BATMAN BEGINS Retrospective
The Legacy Of The Caped Crusader: BATMAN BEGINS Retrospective

While there are dozens of memorable moments, the way the film makes Batman a genuinely interesting and complex character remains its lasting legacy.

THE CHILDREN'S HOUR: 60 Years of Progress
THE CHILDREN’S HOUR: 60 Years of Progress

Sixty years ago, The Children’s Hour dared to make audiences uncomfortable and present the consequences of bigotry.

Film Culture and Covertly Militarized Cinema
Film Culture and Covertly Militarized Cinema

As film viewers and critics, it is more important than ever for us to be aware of this invisible governmental and militarized bias in film and TV.

Life Imitating Art in THE CRAZIES and DAY OF THE DEAD
Life Imitating Art in THE CRAZIES and DAY OF THE DEAD

Though filmed decades ago, George A. Romero’s The Crazies and Day of the Dead are still frighteningly relevant to today’s current pandemic.

Watch The WHOSE LINE Zoom Chats During Lockdown
Watch The WHOSE LINE Zoom Chats During Lockdown

In all its easygoing, light entertainment, Whose Line is ideal quarantine comfort food.

I Spent My Quarantine Binging DOG WITH A BLOG
I Spent My Quarantine Binging DOG WITH A BLOG

While the premise feels like a joke, Dog with a Blog proves to be not just eminently watchable but also genuinely wholesome and entertaining.

Remembering Something That Never Was: Dementia & the Horror Genre
Remembering Something That Never Was: Dementia & the Horror Genre

Blake I. Collier takes a deep dive into the ways films explore dementia and turn it into a source of horror with varied results.

Flixboss Helps You Figure Out What To Watch Next On Netflix
Flixboss Helps You Figure Out What To Watch Next On Netflix

Flixboss helps you figure out what to watch on Netflix, and makes you able to sort through the catalogue in a more refined way.

Elevating Classic Lyrics To New Meaning in ROCKETMAN
Elevating Classic Lyrics To New Meaning in ROCKETMAN

William Hopson dives deep into how the power of Elton John music elevated his classic music to new heights in 2019’s Rocketman.

A Quiet Joy: Resolution Outside Of Happy Endings
A Quiet Joy: Resolution Outside Of Happy Endings

A deeper look at the final moments of Moonlight and A Portrait of A Lady on Fire lead to a profound philosophy of acceptance applicable to everyday life.

How We Write About Black Lives And Cell Phone Video
How We Write About Black Lives & Cell Phone Video

We’ve seen a direct correlation between the use of cell phones and increased awareness of and civic response to police brutality against Black people.

NORMAL PEOPLE: Creating beauty out of melancholy
NORMAL PEOPLE: Creating Beauty Out Of Melancholy

Hulu’s Normal People doesn’t just transform sorrow into an affecting narrative; it creates beauty out of it.

A Theory of Conspiracies: What Paranoid Cinema Tells Us About Ourselves
A Theory of Conspiracies: What Paranoid Cinema Tells Us About Ourselves

Blake Collier examines how an understanding of conspiracies in film speaks more about ourselves than the puppeteers behind them.


Though initially marketed to a younger audience, Avatar: The Last Airbender offered important and incisive messages to all of its viewers.