Set in the 70s, By The Sea tells the story of Vanessa (Angelina Jolie), a former dancer, and her husband Roland (Brad Pitt), a writer, who are traveling France together. Unhappy in their abusive relationship and growing apart, this trip is their last attempt to save it.
The trailer is short and doesn’t show much else other than their disjointed relationship – she hits him, he supposedly hits her and leaves her lying on the ground. It does make me wonder whether this movie will have a happy ending – the trailer is certainly enticing.
Jolie not only stars, but also directs By The Sea, and wrote the screenplay. Award-winning Austrian cinematographer Christian Berger (known for his work with Michael Haneke) provides the photography.
Did you enjoy Jolie’s directorial debut, Unbroken? Are you looking forward to By The Sea?
(top image source: Universal Pictures)
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